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Showing entries 1-100 out of 114.
ch341eepromNix package
Libusb based programming tool for 24Cxx serial EEPROMs using the WinChipHead CH341A IC
chain-benchNix package
Open-source tool for auditing your software supply chain stack for security compliance based on a …
chainsawNix package
Rapidly Search and Hunt through Windows Forensic Artefacts
chamberNix package
A tool for managing secrets by storing them in AWS SSM Parameter Store
chanceNix package
Dice roller built using GTK4 and libadwaita
Self-hosted free open source website change detection tracking, monitoring and notification servic…
changeloggerNix package
Tool to manage your changelog file in Markdown
changeloggingNix package
CLI tool for building changelogs from fragments
changetowerNix package
Tools to watch for webppage changes
changieNix package
Automated changelog tool for preparing releases with lots of customization options
chaosNix package
Tool to communicate with Chaos DNS API
charasayNix package
Future of cowsay - Colorful characters saying something
charge-lndNix package
Simple policy-based fee manager for lightning network daemon
charis-silNix package
Family of highly readable fonts for broad multilingual use
charliecloudNix package
User-defined software stacks (UDSS) for high-performance computing (HPC) centers
charlsNix package
JPEG-LS library implementation in C++
charmNix package
Manage your charm account on the CLI
charm-freezeNix package
Tool to generate images of code and terminal output
charmcraftNix package
Build and publish Charmed Operators for deployment with Juju
chart-testingNix package
Tool for testing Helm charts
chaseNix package
Follow a symlink and print out its target file
chatbladeNix package
CLI Swiss Army Knife for ChatGPT
chatdNix package
Chat with your documents using local AI
chatgptchatgptNix package
Desktop application for ChatGPT
chatgptchatgpt-cliNix package
Interactive CLI for ChatGPT
Tool to search and find personal or work documents by asking questions in everyday language
Simple shell script to use OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E from the terminal
chatterino2Nix package
Chat client for Twitch chat
chatterino7Nix package
Chat client for Twitch chat
chattyNix package
XMPP and SMS messaging via libpurple and ModemManager
chatzone-desktopNix package
Ozon corporate messenger
chawanNix package
Lightweight and featureful terminal web browser
chayangNix package
Gradually dim the screen on Wayland
cheatNix package
Create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line
check-jsonschemaNix package
Jsonschema CLI and pre-commit hook
check-sieveNix package
Syntax checker for mail sieves
checkbashismsNix package
Check shell scripts for non-portable syntax
checkinstallNix package
Tool for automatically generating Slackware, RPM or Debian packages when doing `make install'
checkipNix package
CLI tool that checks an IP address using various public services
checkmakeNix package
Experimental tool for linting and checking Makefiles
checkmateNix package
Pluggable code security analysis tool
checkovNix package
Static code analysis tool for infrastructure-as-code
checkpolicyNix package
SELinux policy compiler
checkpwnNix package
Check Have I Been Pwned and see if it's time for you to change passwords
checkra1nNix package
Jailbreak for iPhone 5s though iPhone X, iOS 12.0 and up
checksecNix package
Tool for checking security bits on executables
checkstyleNix package
Checks Java source against a coding standard
cheeseNix package
Take photos and videos with your webcam, with fun graphical effects
Tracker program for composing music for the SID chip
chelfNix package
Change or display the stack size of an ELF binary
chemacs2Nix package
Emacs version switcher, improved
chemtoolNix package
Draw chemical structures
cherryNix package
Cherry font
cherry-studioNix package
Desktop client that supports for multiple LLM providers
cherrybombNix package
CLI tool that helps you avoid undefined user behavior by validating your API specifications
cherrytreeNix package
Hierarchical note taking application
chess-clockNix package
Time games of over-the-board chess
chess-tuiNix package
Chess TUI implementation in rust
chessdbNix package
Free chess database
chez-matchableNix package
This is a Library for ChezScheme providing the portable hygenic pattern matcher by Alex Shinn
chez-mitNix package
This is a MIT/GNU Scheme compatibility library for Chez Scheme
chez-schemeNix package
Powerful and incredibly fast R6RS Scheme compiler
Fork of Chez Scheme for Racket
chez-scmutilsNix package
This is a port of the ‘MIT Scmutils’ library to Chez Scheme
chez-srfiNix package
This package provides a collection of SRFI libraries for Chez Scheme
chezmoiNix package
Manage your dotfiles across multiple machines, securely
chglogNix package
Changelog management library and tool
chibi-schemeNix package
Small Footprint Scheme for use as a C Extension Language
chipmunkNix package
Fast and lightweight 2D game physics library
chiptrackNix package
Programmable cross-platform sequencer for the Game Boy Advance sound chip
chirpNix package
Free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio
Concentrator HAL daemon for LoRa gateways
FUOTA server which can be used together with ChirpStack Application Server
Gateway Bridge abstracts Packet Forwarder protocols into Protobuf or JSON over MQTT
Forwarder which can be installed on the gateway to forward LoRa data over MQTT
GRPC API to REST proxy for Chirpstack
UDP packet-forwarder for the ChirpStack Concentratord
chiselNix package
TCP/UDP tunnel over HTTP
chitNix package
Crate help in terminal: A tool for looking up details about rust crates without going to
chkcrontabNix package
Tool to detect crontab errors
chkrootkitNix package
Locally checks for signs of a rootkit
chmlibNix package
Library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chntpwNix package
Utility to reset the password of any user that has a valid local account on a Windows system
chocolate-doomchocolate-doomNix package
Doom source port that accurately reproduces the experience of Doom as it was played in the 1990s
chocolate-doomchocolateDoomNix package
Doom source port that accurately reproduces the experience of Doom as it was played in the 1990s
cholmod-extraNix package
Set of additional routines for SuiteSparse CHOLMOD Module
Didonic Thai and Latin display typeface
chooseNix package
Human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) awk
choose-guiNix package
Fuzzy matcher for OS X that uses both std{in,out} and a native GUI
choparpNix package
Proxy ARP daemon
chopchopNix package
CLI to search for sensitive services/files/folders
chow-centaurchow-centaurNix package
Digital emulation of the Klon Centaur guitar pedal using RNNs, Wave Digital Filters, and more
chow-centaurChowCentaurNix package
Digital emulation of the Klon Centaur guitar pedal using RNNs, Wave Digital Filters, and more
chow-kickchow-kickNix package
Kick synthesizer based on old-school drum machine circuits
chow-kickChowKickNix package
Kick synthesizer based on old-school drum machine circuits
chow-phaserchow-phaserNix package
Phaser effect based loosely on the Schulte Compact Phasing 'A'
chow-phaserChowPhaserNix package
Phaser effect based loosely on the Schulte Compact Phasing 'A'
chow-tape-modelchow-tape-modelNix package
Physical modelling signal processing for analog tape recording
chow-tape-modelCHOWTapeModelNix package
Physical modelling signal processing for analog tape recording
chromaNix package
General purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go