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Showing entries 1-45 out of 45.
ci-editNix package
Terminal text editor with mouse support and ctrl+Q to quit
cianoNix package
Multimedia file converter focused on simplicity
ciaoNix package
General purpose, multi-paradigm programming language in the Prolog family
cicero-tuiNix package
Unicode tool with a terminal user interface
ciderciderNix package
New look into listening and enjoying Apple Music in style and performance
cidercider-2Nix package
Powerful music player that allows you listen to your favorite tracks with style
cidr-mergerNix package
Simple command line tool to merge ip/ip cidr/ip range, supports IPv4/IPv6
Like grep but for IPv4 CIDRs
Middleware for the Italian Electronic Identity Card (CIE)
cielNix package
Tool for controlling AOSC OS packaging environments using multi-layer filesystems and containers
cifs-utilsNix package
Tools for managing Linux CIFS client filesystems
ciftilibNix package
Library for reading and writing CIFTI files
cilium-cliNix package
CLI to install, manage & troubleshoot Kubernetes clusters running Cilium
cimgNix package
Small, open source, C++ toolkit for image processing
cinelerra-cvNix package
Professional video editing and compositing environment (community version)
cinnamon-commonNix package
Cinnamon desktop environment
Collection of configuration plugins used in cinnamon-settings
cinnamon-desktopNix package
Library and data for various Cinnamon modules
cinnamon-menusNix package
Menu system for the Cinnamon project
Cinnamon screen locker and screensaver program
cinnamon-sessionNix package
Cinnamon session manager
Settings daemon for the Cinnamon desktop
Translations files for the Cinnamon desktop
cinny-desktopNix package
Yet another matrix client for desktop
cinny-unwrappedcinnyNix package
Yet another Matrix client for the web
cinny-unwrappedcinny-unwrappedNix package
Yet another Matrix client for the web
cinzelNix package
Typeface inspired in First Century Roman Inscriptions
ciopfsNix package
Case-insensitive filesystem layered on top of any other filesystem
cipherNix package
Simple application for encoding and decoding text, designed for elementary OS
circle-flagsNix package
Collection of 400+ minimal circular SVG country and state flags
circleci-cliNix package
Command to enable you to reproduce the CircleCI environment locally and run jobs as if they were r…
circomNix package
ZkSnark circuit compiler
circtNix package
Circuit IR compilers and tools
circumflexNix package
Command line tool for browsing Hacker News in your terminal
circupNix package
CircuitPython library updater
cirrus-cliNix package
CLI for executing Cirrus tasks locally and in any CI
cirrusgoNix package
Tool to scan SAAS and PAAS applications
Network simulation tool from Cisco
Network simulation tool from Cisco
cistaNix package
Simple, high-performance, zero-copy C++ serialization & reflection library
citationsNix package
Manage your bibliographies using the BibTeX format
citronNix package
System data via on-demand notifications
civetwebNix package
Embedded C/C++ web server
civoNix package
CLI for interacting with Civo resources