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Showing entries 101-126 out of 126.
cloudflare-warpNix package
Replaces the connection between your device and the Internet with a modern, optimized, protocol
cloudfoundry-cliNix package
Official command line client for Cloud Foundry
cloudfoxNix package
Tool for situational awareness of cloud penetration tests
cloudhunterNix package
Cloud bucket scanner
cloudlensNix package
K9s like CLI for AWS and GCP
cloudlistNix package
Tool for listing assets from multiple cloud providers
cloudlogNix package
Web based amateur radio logging application built using PHP & MySQL
cloudlogofflineNix package
Offline frontend for Cloudlog
cloudmonkeyNix package
CLI for Apache CloudStack
cloudpan189-goNix package
CLI for China Telecom 189 Cloud Drive service, implemented in Go
cloudreconNix package
Tool to find assets from certificates
cloudsmith-cliNix package
Cloudsmith Command Line Interface
clpNix package
Open-source linear programming solver written in C++
clpeakNix package
Tool which profiles OpenCL devices to find their peak capacities
CLProver++Nix package
Ordered resolution based theorem prover for Coalition Logic
CLPS2C-CompilerNix package
Compiler for CLPS2C, a domain-specific language built specifically for writing PS2 cheat codes
clubhouse-cliclubhouse-cliNix package
Command line tool for viewing, creating and updating stories
clubhouse-clinodePackages.clubhouse-cliNix package
Command line tool for viewing, creating and updating stories
clubhouse-clinodePackages_latest.clubhouse-cliNix package
Command line tool for viewing, creating and updating stories
clustal-omegaNix package
General purpose multiple sequence alignment program for protein and DNA/RNA
clusterctlNix package
Kubernetes cluster API tool
clusternetNix package
CNCF Sandbox Project for managing your Kubernetes clusters
clutterNix package
Library for creating fast, dynamic graphical user interfaces
clutter-gtkNix package
clzipNix package
C language version of lzip
Easy to use, lightweight front-end for ClamAV (Clam Antivirus)