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Showing entries 1-45 out of 45.
cp210x-programNix package
EEPROM tool for Silabs CP210x USB-Serial adapter
cp2kNix package
Quantum chemistry and solid state physics program
cp437Nix package
Emulates an old-style "code page 437" / "IBM-PC" character set terminal on a modern UTF-8 terminal…
cpcfsNix package
Manipulating CPC dsk images and files
cpioNix package
Program to create or extract from cpio archives
cplay-ngNix package
Simple curses audio player
cpm-cmakeNix package
CMake's missing package manager
cpp-hoconNix package
C++ port of the Typesafe Config library
cpp-ipfs-http-client-unstablecpp-ipfs-apiNix package
IPFS C++ API client library
cpp-ipfs-http-client-unstablecpp-ipfs-http-clientNix package
IPFS C++ API client library
cpp-jwtNix package
JSON Web Token library for C++
cpp-netlibNix package
Collection of open-source libraries for high level network programming
cpp-redisNix package
C++11 Lightweight Redis client: async, thread-safe, no dependency, pipelining, multi-platform
cpp-utilitiesNix package
Common C++ classes and routines used by @Martchus' applications featuring argument parser, IO and …
cppadNix package
A C++ Algorithmic Differentiation Package
cppcheckNix package
Static analysis tool for C/C++ code
cppcleanNix package
Finds problems in C++ source that slow development of large code bases
cppcmsNix package
High Performance C++ Web Framework
cppcodecNix package
Header-only C++11 library for encode/decode functions as in RFC 4648
cppdbNix package
C++ Connectivity library that supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3 databases and generic ODBC drive…
cppeNix package
C++ and Python library for Polarizable Embedding
cppiNix package
C preprocessor directive indenter
cppitertoolsNix package
Implementation of Python itertools and builtin iteration functions for C++17
cpplintNix package
Static code checker for C++
cppreference-docNix package
C++ standard library reference
cpptestNix package
Simple C++ unit testing framework
cpptomlNix package
C++ TOML configuration library
cpptraceNix package
Simple, portable, and self-contained stacktrace library for C++11 and newer
cppunitNix package
C++ unit testing framework
cpputestNix package
Unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++
cppzmqNix package
C++ binding for 0MQ
cprotoNix package
Tool to generate C function prototypes from C source code
cpu-energy-meterNix package
Tool for measuring energy consumption of Intel CPUs
cpu-xNix package
Free software that gathers information on CPU, motherboard and more
cpu_featuresNix package
A cross platform C99 library to get cpu features at runtime
cpufetchNix package
Simplistic yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool
cpufrequtilsNix package
Tools to display or change the CPU governor settings
cpuidNix package
Linux tool to dump x86 CPUID information about the CPU
cpuinfoNix package
Tools and library to detect essential for performance optimization information about host CPU
cpulimitNix package
CPU usage limiter
cpuminerNix package
CPU miner for Litecoin and Bitcoin
cpusetNix package
Python application that forms a wrapper around the standard Linux filesystem calls, to make using …
cpustatNix package
CPU usage monitoring tool
C++ and Python library for Polarizable Embedding
C++ and Python library for Polarizable Embedding