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Showing entries 1-26 out of 26.
csaNix package
Group of LADSPA Audio plugins for FM broadcast and more
cscopeNix package
Developer's tool for browsing source code
csdpNix package
C Library for Semidefinite Programming
csdrNix package
Simple DSP library and command-line tool for Software Defined Radio
csfmlNix package
Simple and fast multimedia library
csharp-lsNix package
Roslyn-based LSP language server for C#
csharpierNix package
Opinionated code formatter for C#
csharpreplNix package
C# REPL with syntax highlighting
cshatagNix package
Tool to detect silent data corruption
csmithNix package
Random generator of C programs
csound-manualNix package
Csound Canonical Reference Manual
css-checkerNix package
Command-line tool for identifying similar or duplicated CSS code
csv-tuiNix package
Terminal based csv editor which is designed to be memory efficient but still useful
csv2latexNix package
Command-line CSV to LaTeX file converter
csv2odfNix package
Convert csv files to OpenDocument Format
csv2parquetNix package
Convert CSV files to Apache Parquet
csv2svgNix package
Take a csv as input and outputs svg
csvdiffNix package
Fast diff tool for comparing csv files
csviewNix package
High performance csv viewer with cjk/emoji support
csvkitNix package
Suite of command-line tools for converting to and working with CSV
csvlensNix package
Command line csv viewer
csvqNix package
SQL-like query language for CSV
csvquoteNix package
Enables common unix utilities like cut, awk, wc, head to work correctly with csv data containing d…
csvs-to-sqliteNix package
Convert CSV files into a SQLite database
csvtkNix package
Cross-platform, efficient and practical CSV/TSV toolkit in Golang
csxcadNix package
C++ library to describe geometrical objects