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Showing entries 1-100 out of 112.
do-agentNix package
DigitalOcean droplet system metrics agent
doasNix package
Executes the given command as another user
doas-sudo-shimNix package
Shim for the sudo command that utilizes doas
doc2goNix package
Your Go project's documentation, to-go
docbook-xml-ebnfNix package
docbook2mdocNix package
Converter from DocBook V4.x and v5.x XML into mdoc
docbook2odfNix package
Convert DocBook to OpenDocument Format (ODF)
docbook2XNix package
Docbook2X is a software package that converts DocBook documents into the traditional Unix man page…
docbook5Nix package
Schemas for DocBook 5.0, a semantic markup language for technical documentation
docfxNix package
Build your technical documentation site with docfx, with landing pages, markdown, API reference do…
docifyNix package
Script to add docstrings to Python type stubs using reflection
dockbarxNix package
Lightweight taskbar/panel replacement which works as a stand-alone dock
Add color to the Docker CLI
Language service for Docker Compose documents
Docker credential helper for GCR ( users
Suite of programs to use native stores to keep Docker credentials safe
docker-initNix package
Creates Docker-related starter files for your project
docker-lsNix package
Tools for browsing and manipulating docker registries
docker-slimNix package
Minify and secure Docker containers
docker-vackupNix package
Shell script to backup and restore Docker volumes
dockerfile-language-server-nodejsdockerfile-language-server-nodejsNix package
Language server for Dockerfiles powered by Node.js, TypeScript, and VSCode technologies
dockerfile-language-server-nodejsnodePackages.dockerfile-language-server-nodejsNix package
Language server for Dockerfiles powered by Node.js, TypeScript, and VSCode technologies
dockerfile-language-server-nodejsnodePackages_latest.dockerfile-language-server-nodejsNix package
Language server for Dockerfiles powered by Node.js, TypeScript, and VSCode technologies
dockfmt-unstableNix package
Dockerfile format
dockleNix package
Container Image Linter for Security
Make it quick and easy to get up and running with Docker
dockutilNix package
Tool for managing dock items
doclifterNix package
Lift documents in nroff markups to XML-DocBook
docopt.cppNix package
C++11 port of docopt
docoptsNix package
Shell interpreter for docopt, the command-line interface description language
doctaveNix package
Batteries-included developer documentation site generator
doctestNix package
Fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20 single-header testing framework
doctlNix package
Command line tool for DigitalOcean services
doctocNix package
Generate table of contents for Markdown files
docuiNix package
TUI Client for Docker
documensoNix package
Open Source DocuSign Alternative
Open source Confluence alternative for internal & external docs built with Golang + EmberJS
docuumNix package
Least recently used (LRU) eviction of Docker images
dogNix package
Cat replacement
dogeNix package
Wow very terminal doge
dogednsNix package
Reviving a command-line DNS client
doggoNix package
Command-line DNS Client for Humans
doingNix package
Command line tool for keeping track of what you’re doing and tracking what you’ve done
doitliveNix package
Tool for live presentations in the terminal
dokieliNix package
Dokieli is a clientside editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations and social intera…
dokuwikiNix package
Simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn't require a database
Dolby B & C software decoder
dolibarrNix package
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship manager (CRM) server
dolphin-emudolphin-emuNix package
Gamecube/Wii/Triforce emulator for x86_64 and ARMv8
dolphin-emudolphin-emu-betaNix package
Gamecube/Wii/Triforce emulator for x86_64 and ARMv8
Gamecube/Wii/Triforce emulator for x86_64 and ARMv8
doltNix package
Relational database with version control and CLI a-la Git
dominationNix package
Game that is a bit like the board game Risk or RisiKo
domine-nightlyNix package
domino-chainNix package
Rearrange dominoes on different platforms to start a chain reaction
domoticzNix package
Home automation system
doneNix package
Ultimate task management solution for seamless organization and efficiency
donkeyNix package
Alternative for S/KEY's 'key' command
donpapiNix package
Tool for dumping DPAPI credentials remotely
dontgo403Nix package
Tool to bypass 40X response codes
doodleNix package
Tool to quickly index and search documents on a computer
dooitNix package
TUI todo manager
doolNix package
Python3 compatible clone of dstat
doomretroNix package
Classic, refined DOOM source port
doomrunnerNix package
Preset-oriented graphical launcher of various ported Doom engines
doona-unstableNix package
Fork of the Bruteforce Exploit Detector Tool (BED)
door-knockerNix package
Tool to check the availability of portals
dopamineNix package
Audio player that keeps it simple
dopewarsNix package
Game simulating the life of a drug dealer in New York
dopplerNix package
Official CLI for interacting with your Doppler Enclave secrets and configuration
doqNix package
Docstring generator for Python
dorionNix package
Tiny alternative Discord client
dorkscoutNix package
Tool to automate the work with Google dorks
dos2unixNix package
Convert text files with DOS or Mac line breaks to Unix line breaks and vice versa
dosagedosageNix package
Comic strip downloader and archiver
dosagedosage-trackerNix package
Medication tracker for Linux
dosbox-stagingNix package
Modernized DOS emulator; DOSBox fork
dosemu-fontsNix package
Various fonts from the DOSEmu project
dosfstoolsNix package
Utilities for creating and checking FAT and VFAT file systems
dosisNix package
Very simple, rounded, sans serif family
Language server for the DOT language
dotacat-v0.3.0Nix package
Like lolcat, but fast
dotbotNix package
Tool that bootstraps your dotfiles
dotcolon-fontsNix package
Font Collection by Sora Sagano
dotconfNix package
Configuration parser library
dotenv-clidotenv-cliNix package
CLI to load dotenv files
dotenv-clinodePackages.dotenv-cliNix package
CLI to load dotenv files
dotenv-clinodePackages_latest.dotenv-cliNix package
CLI to load dotenv files
dotenvxNix package
Better dotenv–from the creator of `dotenv
dotenvyNix package
Loads environment variables from a .env file
dotfilesNix package
Easily manage your dotfiles
dothersideNix package
C language library for creating bindings for the Qt QML language
dotnet-efNix package
The Entity Framework Core tools help with design-time development tasks
dotnet-outdatedNix package
dotnet-replNix package
A polyglot REPL built on .NET Interactive
dotoolNix package
Command to simulate input anywhere
dotslashNix package
Simplified multi-platform executable deployment
dotterNix package
Dotfile manager and templater written in rust 🦀
Binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles