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Showing entries 1-99 out of 99.
flacNix package
Library and tools for encoding and decoding the FLAC lossless audio file format
flac123Nix package
Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
flac2allNix package
Multi process, clustered, FLAC to multi codec audio converter with tagging support
flacaNix package
CLI tool to losslessly compress JPEG and PNG images
flaciNix package
Create and test formal languages with automaton and create diagrams for them
flake-checkerNix package
Health checks for your Nix flakes
flake-editNix package
Edit your flake inputs with ease
flam3Nix package
Cosmic recursive fractal flames
FlameGraphNix package
Visualization for profiled code
flamelensNix package
Interactive flamegraph viewer in the terminal
flamerobinNix package
Database administration tool for Firebird RDBMS
flameshotNix package
Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software
flampNix package
Digital modem program
flannNix package
Fast approximate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces
flareNix package
Unofficial Signal GTK client
flarectlNix package
CLI application for interacting with a Cloudflare account
flaresolverrNix package
Proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection
flarumNix package
Flarum is a delightfully simple discussion platform for your website
Testing tool for flash based memory devices
flashfocusNix package
Simple focus animations for tiling window managers
flashgbxNix package
GUI for reading and writing GB and GBA cartridges with the GBxCart RW
flashmqNix package
Fast light-weight MQTT broker/server
flashprogflashprogNix package
Utility for reading, writing, erasing and verifying flash ROM chips
flashprogflashrom-stableNix package
Utility for reading, writing, erasing and verifying flash ROM chips
flashromNix package
Utility for reading, writing, erasing and verifying flash ROM chips
flashspaceNix package
Blazingly fast virtual workspace manager for macOS
flasmNix package
Assembler and disassembler for Flash (SWF) bytecode
flat-remix-gnomeNix package
GNOME Shell theme inspired by material design
flat-remix-gtkNix package
GTK application theme inspired by material design
flatccNix package
FlatBuffers Compiler and Library in C for C
flatpakNix package
Linux application sandboxing and distribution framework
flatterNix package
(F)ast (lat)tice (r)eduction of integer lattice bases
flavoursNix package
Easy to use base16 scheme manager/builder that integrates with any workflow
flawfinderNix package
Tool to examines C/C++ source code for security flaws
flawzNix package
Terminal UI for browsing CVEs
flclashNix package
Multi-platform proxy client based on ClashMeta, simple and easy to use, open-source and ad-free
GitLab fleeting plugin for AWS
flengNix package
Low level concurrent logic programming language descended from Prolog
flentNix package
FLExible Network Tester
Framework that enables you to easily build realtime web, mobile, and desktop apps in Python
flex-launcherNix package
Customizable HTPC application launcher
flex-ncatNix package
FlexRadio remote control (CAT) via hamlib/rigctl protocol
flex-ndaxNix package
FlexRadio digital audio transport (DAX) connector for PulseAudio
flexc++Nix package
C++ tool for generating lexical scanners
flexgetNix package
Multipurpose automation tool for all of your media
flexibeeNix package
Client for an accouting economic system
flexoptix-appNix package
Configure FLEXOPTIX Universal Transceivers in seconds
flinkNix package
Distributed stream processing framework
flintlockNix package
Create and manage the lifecycle of MicroVMs backed by containerd
flipNix package
Tool for visualizing and communicating the errors in rendered images
flip-linkNix package
Adds zero-cost stack overflow protection to your embedded programs
flipsNix package
Patcher for IPS and BPS files
flirtNix package
FiLe InteRacT, the file interaction tool for your command line
fliteNix package
Small, fast run-time speech synthesis engine
flitterNix package
Livesplit-inspired speedrunning split timer for Linux/macOS terminal
flixNix package
Flix Programming Language
fllogNix package
Digital modem log program
flmsgNix package
Digital modem message program
flockNix package
Cross-platform version of flock(1)
flockitNix package
LD_PRELOAD shim to add file locking to programs that don't do it (I'm looking at you, rsync!)
floodfloodNix package
Modern web UI for various torrent clients with a Node.js backend and React frontend
floodnodePackages.floodNix package
Modern web UI for various torrent clients with a Node.js backend and React frontend
floodnodePackages_latest.floodNix package
Modern web UI for various torrent clients with a Node.js backend and React frontend
Flood clone for Transmission
FloottyNix package
Collaborative terminal
flopocoNix package
FloPoCo arithmetic core generator
floristNix package
Posix Ada Bindings
flottbotNix package
Chatbot framework written in Go
flow-controlflow-controlNix package
Programmer's text editor
flow-controlflow-editorNix package
Programmer's text editor
flowbladeNix package
Multitrack Non-Linear Video Editor
flowtimeNix package
Get what motivates you done, without losing concentration
flpsedNix package
WYSIWYG PostScript annotator
flrigNix package
Digital modem rig control program
fluent-bitNix package
Fast and lightweight logs and metrics processor for Linux, BSD, OSX and Windows
fluent-gtk-themeNix package
Fluent design gtk theme
Fluent icon theme for linux desktops
fluent-readerNix package
Modern desktop RSS reader built with Electron, React, and Fluent UI
fluffychat-linuxNix package
Chat with your friends (matrix client)
fluffychat-webNix package
Chat with your friends (matrix client)
fluiddNix package
Klipper web interface
flut-renamerNix package
Bulk file renamer written in flutter
Flutter/Dart <-> Rust binding generator, feature-rich, but seamless and simple
fluxNix package
Interface description language used by DirectFB
fluxboxNix package
Full-featured, light-resource X window manager
fluxboxlauncherNix package
Gui editor (gtk) to configure applications launching on a fluxbox session
fluxcdNix package
Open and extensible continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes
fluxctlNix package
CLI client for Flux, the GitOps Kubernetes operator
flvstreamerNix package
Command-line RTMP client
flwrapNix package
Digital modem file transfer program
flyNix package
Command line interface to Concourse CI
flycastNix package
Multi-platform Sega Dreamcast, Naomi and Atomiswave emulator
flyctlNix package
Command line tools for services
flyeNix package
De novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads using repeat graphs
flywayNix package
Evolve your Database Schema easily and reliably across all your instances
flywheel-cliNix package
Library and command line interface for interacting with a Flywheel site
Automatically extract obfuscated strings from malware
ruby3.3-flatitoNix package
It allows you to search for a key and get the value and the line number where it is located in YAM…