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Showing entries 1-65 out of 65.
gancioga/gancioNix package categories
gabutdmNix package
Simple and fast download manager
galahNix package
LLM-powered web honeypot using the OpenAI API
galariogalarioNix package
GPU Accelerated Library for Analysing Radio Interferometer Observations
galariopython312Packages.galarioNix package
GPU Accelerated Library for Analysing Radio Interferometer Observations
galariopython313Packages.galarioNix package
GPU Accelerated Library for Analysing Radio Interferometer Observations
galatia-silNix package
Font designed to support Biblical Polytonic Greek
galaxisNix package
Rescue lifeboats lost in interstellar space
Unofficial Galaxy Buds Manager
galculatorNix package
GTK algebraic and RPN calculator
galeNix package
Lightweight Thunderstore client
galenNix package
Automated layout testing for websites
galeneNix package
Videoconferencing server that is easy to deploy, written in Go
galerNix package
Tool to fetch URLs from HTML attributes
galerioNix package
A simple generator for self-contained HTML flexbox galleries
gallery-dlNix package
Command-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites
galletaNix package
Examine the contents of the IE's cookie files for forensic purposes
galliaNix package
Extendable Pentesting Framework for the Automotive Domain
gamNix package
Command line management for Google Workspace
gamaNix package
Tools for adjustment of geodetic networks
gama-tuiNix package
Manage your GitHub Actions from Terminal with great UI
gambitNix package
Play chess in your terminal
gambit-projectNix package
Open-source collection of tools for doing computation in game theory
Udev rules to make supported controllers available with user-grade permissions
game-music-emugame-music-emuNix package
Collection of video game music file emulators
game-music-emulibgmeNix package
Collection of video game music file emulators
game-rsNix package
Minimal CLI game launcher for linux
gamecube-toolsNix package
Tools for gamecube/wii projects
GameHubNix package
Unified library for all your games
gamepad-toolNix package
Simple GUI tool to create/modify gamepad mappings for games that use SDL2 Game Controller API
gamescopegamescopeNix package
SteamOS session compositing window manager
gamescopegamescope-wsiNix package
SteamOS session compositing window manager
gamjaNix package
Simple IRC web client
gammuNix package
Command line utility and library to control mobile phones
ganciogancioNix package
Shared agenda for local communities, running on nodejs
gandom-fontsNix package
Persian (Farsi) Font - فونت (قلم) فارسی گندم
ganvNix package
Interactive Gtk canvas widget for graph-based interfaces
gapgapNix package
Computational discrete algebra system
gapgap-fullNix package
Computational discrete algebra system
gapgap-minimalNix package
Computational discrete algebra system
gapcastNix package
802.11 broadcast analyzer & injector
gaplessg4musicNix package
Beautiful, fast, fluent, light weight music player written in GTK4
gaplessgaplessNix package
Beautiful, fast, fluent, light weight music player written in GTK4
gappaNix package
Verifying and formally proving properties on numerical programs dealing with floating-point or fix…
garamond-libreNix package
Garamond Libre font family
garbleNix package
Obfuscate Go code by wrapping the Go toolchain
gargoyleNix package
Interactive fiction interpreter GUI
garmindbNix package
Download and parse data from Garmin Connect or a Garmin watch
garmintoolsNix package
Provides the ability to communicate with the Garmin Forerunner 305 via the USB interface
garnetNix package
Remote cache-store from Microsoft Research
gashNix package
POSIX-compatible shell written in Guile Scheme
gash-utilsNix package
Core POSIX utilities written in Guile Scheme
gatNix package
Cat alternative written in Go
gateNix package
High-Performance, Low-Memory, Lightweight, Extensible Minecraft Reverse Proxy
gatekeeperNix package
Policy Controller for Kubernetes
gatkNix package
Wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping
gatlingNix package
High performance web server
gatoNix package
GitHub Self-Hosted Runner Enumeration and Attack Tool
gatusNix package
Automated developer-oriented status page
gauNix package
Tool to fetch known URLs
gavNix package
Remake of AV Arcade Volleyball
gavin-bcNix package
Gavin Howard's BC calculator implementation
gavrasmNix package
AVR Assembler for ATMEL AVR-Processors
gawNix package
Gtk Analog Wave viewer
gayNix package
Colour your text / terminal to be more gay