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Showing entries 1-36 out of 36.
gpaNix package
Graphical user interface for the GnuPG
gpartNix package
Guess PC-type hard disk partitions
gpartedNix package
Graphical disk partitioning tool
gpasteNix package
Clipboard management system with GNOME integration
gpauthNix package
A CLI for GlobalProtect VPN, based on OpenConnect, supports the SSO authentication method
gpclientNix package
A CLI for GlobalProtect VPN, based on OpenConnect, supports the SSO authentication method
gperftoolsNix package
Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools
gpg-mdpNix package
Manage your passwords with GnuPG and a text editor
gphotos-syncNix package
Google Photos and Albums backup with Google Photos Library API
gpickNix package
Advanced color picker written in C++ using GTK+ toolkit
gpingNix package
Ping, but with a graph
gpodderNix package
Podcatcher written in python
gppNix package
General-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax
gprenameNix package
Complete batch renamer for files and directories
gprojectorNix package
G.Projector transforms an input map image into any of about 200 global and regional map projection…
gprologNix package
GNU Prolog, a free Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite domains
gpscorrelateNix package
GPS photo correlation tool, to add EXIF geotags
gpsdNix package
GPS service daemon
gpspruneNix package
Application for viewing, editing and converting GPS coordinate data
gpt-cliNix package
Command-line interface for ChatGPT, Claude and Bard
gpt4allgpt4allNix package
Free-to-use, locally running, privacy-aware chatbot
gpt4allgpt4all-cudaNix package
Free-to-use, locally running, privacy-aware chatbot
gptfdiskNix package
Set of text-mode partitioning tools for Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) Partition Table (GPT) di…
gptmanNix package
GPT manager that allows you to copy partitions from one disk to another and more
gptscriptNix package
Build AI assistants that interact with your systems
Multi-GPU CUDA stress test
Application that allows to switch between the graphic cards of dual-GPU MacBook Pro models
gpu-viewerNix package
Front-end to glxinfo, vulkaninfo, clinfo and es2_info
gpufetchNix package
Simple yet fancy GPU architecture fetching tool
gpustatNix package
Simple utility for viewing GPU utilization
gputilsNix package
Collection of tools for the Microchip (TM) PIC microcontrollers
gpuvisNix package
GPU Trace Visualizer
gpxNix package
Gcode to x3g conversion postprocessor
gpx-viewerNix package
Simple tool to visualize tracks and waypoints stored in a gpx file
gpxlabNix package
Program to show and manipulate GPS tracks
gpythonNix package
Python interpreter written in Go