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Showing entries 1-100 out of 100.
gr-frameworkNix package
GR framework is a graphics library for visualisation applications
grabserialNix package
Python based serial dump and timing program
gradienceNix package
Customize libadwaita and GTK3 apps (with adw-gtk3)
Gradle tab completion for bash and zsh
gradmNix package
Grsecurity RBAC administration and policy analysis utility
grafana-agentNix package
Lightweight subset of Prometheus and more, optimized for Grafana Cloud
grafana-alloyNix package
Open source OpenTelemetry Collector distribution with built-in Prometheus pipelines and support fo…
Grafana Dash-n-Grab (gdg) -- backup and restore Grafana dashboards, datasources, and other entitie…
grafana-kioskNix package
Kiosk Utility for Grafana
graftermNix package
Command-line tool for rendering metrics dashboards inspired by Grafana
grafx2Nix package
Ultimate 256-color painting program
grailNix package
Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library
grammagrammaNix package
Command-line grammar checker
grammanodePackages.grammaNix package
Command-line grammar checker
grammanodePackages_latest.grammaNix package
Command-line grammar checker
grampsNix package
Genealogy software
grandperspectiveNix package
Open-source macOS application to analyze disk usage
granianNix package
Rust HTTP server for Python ASGI/WSGI/RSGI applications
grantedNix package
Easiest way to access your cloud
grapNix package
Define and match graph patterns within binaries
graph-cliNix package
CLI to create graphs from CSV files
grapheneNix package
Thin layer of graphic data types
Hardened allocator designed for modern systems
graphicsmagickgraphicsmagickNix package
Swiss army knife of image processing
graphicsmagickgraphicsmagick_q16Nix package
Swiss army knife of image processing
Repack of GraphicsMagick that provides compatibility with ImageMagick interfaces
graphinderNix package
Tool to find GraphQL endpoints using subdomain enumeration
graphite-cligraphite-cliNix package
CLI that makes creating stacked git changes fast & intuitive
graphite-clinodePackages.graphite-cliNix package
CLI that makes creating stacked git changes fast & intuitive
graphite-clinodePackages_latest.graphite-cliNix package
CLI that makes creating stacked git changes fast & intuitive
graphite-cursorsNix package
Graphite cursor theme
Flat Gtk+ theme based on Elegant Design
graphpythonNix package
Microsoft Graph API (Entra, o365, and Intune) enumeration and exploitation toolkit
graphqlmakerNix package
Tool to find graphql queries in Javascript files
Tool to interact with a GraphQL endpoint
graphqurlgraphqurlNix package
CLI and JS library for making GraphQL queries
graphqurlnodePackages.graphqurlNix package
CLI and JS library for making GraphQL queries
graphqurlnodePackages_latest.graphqurlNix package
CLI and JS library for making GraphQL queries
graphsNix package
Database of graphs
graphw00fNix package
GraphQL Server Engine Fingerprinting utility
graphwarNix package
Artillery game in which you must hit your enemies using mathematical functions
graplangNix package
Language for typesetting graphs
grassNix package
Sass compiler written purely in Rust
gravitNix package
Beautiful OpenGL-based gravity simulator
grb-unstableNix package
Cli-accessible Greek Bible with the Septuagint, SBL and Apocrypha
grcovNix package
Rust tool to collect and aggregate code coverage data for multiple source files
greenmaskNix package
PostgreSQL database anonymization tool
Extremely minimal raw Wayland greeter for greetd
grenNix package
The gren command line interface
grepcidrNix package
Filter IPv4 and IPv6 addresses matching CIDR patterns
grepmNix package
Wrapper for grepmail utilizing mutt
greybirdNix package
Grey and blue theme from the Shimmer Project for GTK-based environments
gridlock-unstablegridlockNix package
Nix compatible lockfile manager, without Nix
gridlock-unstablenyarrNix package
Nix compatible lockfile manager, without Nix
gridtrackerNix package
Amateur radio companion to WSJT-X or JTDX
grigNix package
Simple Ham Radio control (CAT) program based on Hamlib
griloNix package
Framework that provides access to various sources of multimedia content, using a pluggable system
grilo-pluginsNix package
Collection of plugins for the Grilo framework
grimNix package
Grab images from a Wayland compositor
grimblastNix package
Helper for screenshots within Hyprland, based on grimshot
grimoireNix package
Tool to generate datasets of cloud audit logs for common attacks
grinNix package
Grep program configured the way I like it
gripNix package
GTK-based audio CD player/ripper
grip-grabNix package
Fast, more lightweight ripgrep alternative for daily use cases
grip-searchNix package
Fast, indexed regexp search over large file trees
gritNix package
Multitree-based personal task manager
grive2Nix package
Console Google Drive client
grizzlyNix package
Utility for managing Jsonnet dashboards against the Grafana API
grml-zsh-configNix package
Grml's zsh setup
grmonNix package
Command line monitoring for goroutines
grobiNix package
Automatically configure monitors/outputs for Xorg via RANDR
grocyNix package
ERP beyond your fridge - grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management sol…
groffNix package
GNU Troff, a typesetting package that reads plain text and produces formatted output
gromit-mpxNix package
Desktop annotation tool
gronNix package
Make JSON greppable!
groongaNix package
Open-source fulltext search engine and column store
grooveNix package
GRaphs for Object-Oriented VErification
groovyNix package
Agile dynamic language for the Java Platform
grpcNix package
C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
grpc-client-cliNix package
Generic gRPC command line client
grpc-gatewayNix package
A gRPC to JSON proxy generator plugin for Google Protocol Buffers
Minimal, high performance, memory-friendly, safe implementation of the gRPC health checking protoc…
grpc-toolsNix package
Distribution of protoc and the gRPC Node protoc plugin for ease of installation with npm
grpc_cliNix package
Command line tool for interacting with grpc services
grpcuiNix package
Interactive web UI for gRPC, along the lines of postman
grpcurlNix package
Like cURL, but for gRPC: Command-line tool for interacting with gRPC servers
grsyncNix package
Synchronize folders, files and make backups
grunNix package
Application launcher written in C and using GTK for the interface
gruvbox-dark-gtkNix package
Gruvbox theme for GTK based desktop environments
GTK theme based on the Gruvbox colour palette
gruvbox-kvantumNix package
Gruvbox themes for kvantum
GTK Theme based off of the Gruvbox Material colour palette
Icon pack for Linux desktops based on the Gruvbox color scheme
grypeNix package
Vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems
Small script to submit to Gradescope via GitHub
Render/convert graphs in/from various formats
pvgrub-imageNix package
PvGrub image for use for booting PV Xen guests
rendererNix package
Grafana backend plugin that handles rendering of panels & dashboards to PNGs using headless br…
reportergrafana-reporterNix package
PDF report generator from a Grafana dashboard
reportergrafana_reporterNix package
PDF report generator from a Grafana dashboard