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Showing entries 1-61 out of 61.
HybridReverb2Nix package
Reverb effect using hybrid impulse convolution
hydrahydraNix package
Nix-based continuous build system
hydrahydra_unstableNix package
Nix-based continuous build system
hydra-ant-loggerNix package
hydra-checkNix package
Check hydra for the build status of a package
hydra-cliNix package
Client for the Hydra CI
hydrapaperNix package
GNOME utility for setting different wallpapers on individual monitors
hydroxideNix package
Third-party, open-source ProtonMail bridge
hyenaNix package
C# library which contains a hodge-podge of random stuff
hyenaeNix package
hyfetchNix package
Neofetch with pride flags <3
hylafaxplusNix package
Enterprise-class system for sending and receiving facsimiles
hyp2matNix package
Import Hyperlynx Boardsim files to openEMS, an open source 3D full-wave electromagnetic field solv…
hyperNix package
Terminal built on web technologies
hyper-cmd-utilsNix package
HyperCmd Utils
hyperbeamNix package
A 1-1 end-to-end encrypted internet pipe powered by Hyperswarm
hyperhdrNix package
Highly optimized open source ambient lighting implementation based on modern digital video and aud…
High-performance, secure, permissioned blockchain network
hyperlinkNix package
Very fast link checker for CI
hyperpotamushyperpotamusNix package
YAML based HTTP script processing engine
hyperpotamusnodePackages.hyperpotamusNix package
YAML based HTTP script processing engine
hyperpotamusnodePackages_latest.hyperpotamusNix package
YAML based HTTP script processing engine
hyperrogueNix package
Roguelike game set in hyperbolic geometry
hyperscanNix package
High-performance multiple regex matching library
hyperscryptNix package
Modern stencil typeface inspired by stained glass technique
hypershellNix package
Spawn shells anywhere
hyperspeedcubeNix package
Hyperspeedcube is a 3D and 4D Rubik's cube simulator
hypersshNix package
Run SSH over hyperswarm
hypnotixNix package
IPTV streaming application
hyprcursorNix package
Hyprland cursor format, library and utilities
hyprdimNix package
Automatically dim windows in Hyprland when switching between them
hypreNix package
Parallel solvers for sparse linear systems featuring multigrid methods
hyprgraphicsNix package
Official implementation library for the hypr config language
hypridleNix package
Hyprland's idle daemon
hyprkeysNix package
Simple, scriptable keybind retrieval utility for Hyprland
hyprlandNix package
Dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks
Multi-monitor-aware Hyprland workspace widget helper
Automatically rename workspaces with icons of started applications
Automatically run a script when a monitor connects (or disconnects) in Hyprland
Per window keyboard layout (language) for Hyprland wayland compositor
Wayland protocol extensions for Hyprland
hyprland-qtutilsNix package
Hyprland QT/qml utility apps
Multi-monitor aware Hyprland workspace widget
hyprlangNix package
Official implementation library for the hypr config language
hyprlockNix package
Hyprland's GPU-accelerated screen locking utility
hyprlsNix package
LSP server for Hyprland's configuration language
hyprnomeNix package
GNOME-like workspace switching in Hyprland
hyprnotifyNix package
DBus Implementation of Freedesktop Notification spec for 'hyprctl notify'
hyprpaperNix package
Blazing fast wayland wallpaper utility
hyprpickerNix package
Wlroots-compatible Wayland color picker that does not suck
hyprpolkitagentNix package
Polkit authentication agent written in QT/QML
hyprpropNix package
An xprop replacement for Hyprland
hyprshotNix package
Hyprshot is an utility to easily take screenshots in Hyprland using your mouse
hyprsomeNix package
Awesome-like workspaces for Hyprland
hyprspaceNix package
Lightweight VPN Built on top of Libp2p for Truly Distributed Networks
hyprsunsetNix package
Application to enable a blue-light filter on Hyprland
hyprutilsNix package
Small C++ library for utilities used across the Hypr* ecosystem
Hyprland version of wayland-scanner in and for C++
hysteriaNix package
Feature-packed proxy & relay utility optimized for lossy, unstable connections
hyxNix package
Minimalistic but powerful Linux console hex editor
Hyperminimal https server