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Showing entries 1-9 out of 9.
i3-backNix package
I3/Sway utility to switch focus to your last focused window
i3-open-next-wsNix package
Workspace management utility for i3 and sway, that picks the first unused workspace automagically
i3-volumeNix package
Volume control with on-screen display notifications
i3aNix package
Set of scripts used for automation of i3 and sway window manager layouts
i3bar-riverNix package
Port of i3bar for river
i3lock-pixeledNix package
Simple i3lock helper which pixels a screenshot by scaling it down and up to get a pixeled version …
i3minatorNix package
I3 project manager similar to tmuxinator
i3natorNix package
Tmuxinator for the i3 window manager
i3pystatusNix package
Complete replacement for i3status