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Showing entries 1-100 out of 103.
inadynNix package
Free dynamic DNS client
Tools for working with blackbox flight logs
INav flight control system configuration tool
inchiNix package
IUPAC International Chemical Identifier library
inconsolataNix package
Monospace font for both screen and print
inconsolata-lgcNix package
Fork of Inconsolata font, with proper support of Cyrillic and Greek
incronNix package
Cron-like daemon which handles filesystem events
incusNix package
Powerful system container and virtual machine manager
incus-ltsNix package
Powerful system container and virtual machine manager
Web user interface for Incus
indentNix package
Source code reformatter
Sound input/output selector indicator for Linux
industrializerNix package
This program generates synthesized percussion sounds using physical modelling
ineffassignNix package
Detect ineffectual assignments in Go code
inetutilsNix package
Collection of common network programs
infamousPluginsNix package
Collection of open-source LV2 plugins
infernoNix package
Port of parts of the flamegraph toolkit to Rust
inflowNix package
Variance-optimal paragraph formatter
influxdb-cxxNix package
influxdb3Nix package
Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
infnoiseNix package
Driver for the Infinite Noise TRNG
inform7Nix package
Design system for interactive fiction
infraNix package
Infra manages access to infrastructure such as Kubernetes
infra-arcanaNix package
Lovecraftian single-player roguelike game
infracostNix package
Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in your CLI and pull requests
inframapNix package
Read your tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider, showing only the resource…
New Relic Infrastructure Agent
ingenNix package
Modular audio processing system using JACK and LV2 or LADSPA plugins
ingress2gatewayNix package
Convert Ingress resources to Gateway API resources
inhibridgeNix package
Simple daemon that bridges ScreenSaver inhibitions to systemd-inhibit
inihNix package
Simple .INI file parser in C, good for embedded systems
iniparserNix package
Free standalone ini file parsing library
initoolNix package
Manipulate INI files from the command line
injaNix package
Template engine for modern C++, loosely inspired by jinja for python
inkNix package
Command line tool for checking the ink level of your locally connected printer
inklecateNix package
Compiler for ink, inkle's scripting language
GNU/Linux-friendly version of the Wacom Inkling SketchManager
inkoNix package
Language for building concurrent software with confidence
innoextractNix package
Tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup
inoriNix package
Client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
Program to normalize intensity of MINC files
inotify-infoNix package
Easily track down the number of inotify watches, instances, and which files are being watched
inotify-toolsinotify-toolsNix package
inotify-toolsinotifyToolsNix package
input-fontsNix package
Fonts for Code, from Font Bureau
CLI tool to control Framework input modules like the LED matrix
inputplugNix package
Monitor XInput events and run arbitrary scripts on hierarchy change events
inputplumberNix package
Open source input router and remapper daemon for Linux
inqlNix package
Security testing tool for GraphQL
inriafontsNix package
Inria Sans and Inria Serif
insert-dylibNix package
Command line utility for inserting a dylib load command into a Mach-O binary
inshellisenseNix package
IDE style command line auto complete
insomniaNix package
The open-source, cross-platform API client for GraphQL, REST, WebSockets, SSE and gRPC
inspectorNix package
Gtk4 Libadwaita wrapper for various system info cli commands
inspectrumNix package
Tool for analysing captured signals from sdr receivers
inspircdinspircdNix package
Modular C++ IRC server
inspircdinspircdMinimalNix package
Modular C++ IRC server
insteadNix package
Simple text adventure interpreter for Unix and Windows
insulator2Nix package
Client UI to inspect Kafka topics, consume, produce and much more
insyncNix package
Google Drive sync and backup with multiple account support
This package contains the file manager emblem icons for Insync file manager extensions
insync-nautilusNix package
This package contains the Python extension and icons for integrating Insync with Nautilus
integresqlNix package
IntegreSQL manages isolated PostgreSQL databases for your integration tests
integrity-scrubNix package
Scrub dm-integrity devices
intel-cmt-catNix package
User space software for Intel(R) Resource Director Technology
Intel Graphics Compute Runtime oneAPI Level Zero and OpenCL, supporting 12th Gen and newer
Intel Graphics Compute Runtime oneAPI Level Zero and OpenCL with support for Gen8, Gen9 and Gen11 …
intel-gmmlibNix package
Intel Graphics Memory Management Library
intel-gpu-toolsNix package
Tools for development and testing of the Intel DRM driver
LLVM-based compiler for OpenCL targeting Intel Gen graphics hardware package
Intel Media Driver for VAAPI — Broadwell+ iGPUs
intel-media-driverintel-media-driverNix package
Intel Media Driver for VAAPI — Broadwell+ iGPUs
intel-media-sdkNix package
Intel Media SDK
intel-oclNix package
Official OpenCL runtime for Intel CPUs
intel-one-monoNix package
Intel One Mono, an expressive monospaced font family that’s built with clarity, legibility, and th…
intel-undervoltNix package
Intel CPU undervolting and throttling configuration tool package
VA-API user mode driver for Intel GEN Graphics family
intel-vaapi-driverintel-vaapi-driverNix package
VA-API user mode driver for Intel GEN Graphics family
intel-vaapi-drivervaapiIntelNix package
VA-API user mode driver for Intel GEN Graphics family
Firmware for Intel 2200BG cards
intelephenseintelephenseNix package
Professional PHP tooling for any Language Server Protocol capable editor
intelephensenodePackages.intelephenseNix package
Professional PHP tooling for any Language Server Protocol capable editor
intelephensenodePackages_latest.intelephenseNix package
Professional PHP tooling for any Language Server Protocol capable editor
intelli-shellNix package
Like IntelliSense, but for shells
intentraceNix package
Prettified Linux syscall tracing tool (like strace)
interNix package
Typeface specially designed for user interfaces
inter-nerdfontNix package
NerdFont patch of the Inter font
Interactive HTML BOM generation for KiCad, EasyEDA, Eagle, Fusion360 and Allegro PCB designer
interactshNix package
Out of bounds interaction gathering server and client library
intercalNix package
Original esoteric programming language
interlockNix package
File encryption tool and an HSM frontend
intermodalNix package
User-friendly and featureful command-line BitTorrent metainfo utility
intiface-centralNix package
Intiface Central (Buttplug Frontend) Application for Desktop
intltoolNix package
Translation helper tool
intune-portalNix package
Microsoft Intune Portal allows you to securely access corporate apps, data, and resources
inv-sig-helperNix package
Rust service that decrypts YouTube signatures and manages player information
invidiousNix package
Open source alternative front-end to YouTube
invidious-routerNix package
Go application that routes requests to different Invidious instances based on their health status …
invidtuiNix package
Invidious TUI client
invoiceNix package
Command line invoice generator