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Showing entries 1-39 out of 39.
ip2locationNix package
Look up locations of host names and IP addresses
ip2location-cNix package
Library to look up locations of host names and IP addresses
ip2unixNix package
Turn IP sockets into Unix domain sockets
ipad_chargeNix package
Apple device USB charging utility for Linux
ipaexfontNix package
Japanese font package with Mincho and Gothic fonts
ipafontNix package
Japanese font package with Mincho and Gothic fonts
ipamNix package
Cli based IPAM written in Go with PowerDNS support
ipatoolNix package
Command-line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the…
ipbtNix package
High-tech ttyrec player for Unix
ipbus-uhalNix package
Software which pairs with ipbus-firmware
ipcalcNix package
Simple IP network calculator
iperf3dNix package
Iperf3 client and server wrapper for dynamic server ports
ipfetch-unstableNix package
Neofetch but for ip addresses
ipfs-clusterNix package
Allocate, replicate, and track Pins across a cluster of IPFS daemons
Minimal CLI tool to upload files and directories to IPFS via Infura's IPFS or another API endpoint
ipgetNix package
Retrieve files over IPFS and save them locally
ipgrepNix package
Extract, defang, resolve names and IPs from text
ipinfoNix package
Command Line Interface for the IPinfo API
iplanNix package
Your plan for improving personal life and workflow
ipmicfgNix package
Supermicro IPMI configuration tool
ipmitoolNix package
Command-line interface to IPMI-enabled devices
ipmiutilNix package
Easy-to-use IPMI server management utility
IPMIViewNix package
ipoptNix package
Software package for large-scale nonlinear optimization
ipp-usbNix package
Daemon to use the IPP everywhere protocol with USB printers
iproute2Nix package
Collection of utilities for controlling TCP/IP networking and traffic control in Linux
iproute2macdarwin.iproute2macNix package
CLI wrapper for basic network utilites on Mac OS X inspired with iproute2 on Linux systems - ip co…
iproute2maciproute2macNix package
CLI wrapper for basic network utilites on Mac OS X inspired with iproute2 on Linux systems - ip co…
iproverNix package
Automated first-order logic theorem prover
ipscanNix package
Angry IP Scanner - fast and friendly network scanner
ipsetNix package
Administration tool for IP sets
iptraf-ngNix package
Console-based network monitoring utility (fork of iptraf)
iptsdNix package
Userspace daemon for Intel Precise Touch & Stylus
iptstateNix package
Conntrack top like tool
IPU firmware and proprietary image processing libraries
ipv6calcNix package
Calculate/manipulate (not only) IPv6 addresses
ipvsadmNix package
Linux Virtual Server support programs
ipxeNix package
Network boot firmware
Find info about an IP address