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Showing entries 1-14 out of 14.
ld64Nix package
The classic linker for Darwin
ldacBTNix package
AOSP libldac dispatcher
ldapmonitorNix package
Tool to monitor creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects
ldapnomnomNix package
Tool to anonymously bruteforce usernames from Domain controllers
ldapvi-unstableNix package
Interactive LDAP client for Unix terminals
ldbNix package
LDAP-like embedded database
ldcNix package
LLVM-based D compiler
ldeepNix package
In-depth LDAP enumeration utility
ldid-procursusNix package
Put real or fake signatures in a Mach-O binary
ldmNix package
Lightweight device mounter, with libudev as only dependency
ldmtoolNix package
Tool and library for managing Microsoft Windows Dynamic Disks
ldnsNix package
Library with the aim of simplifying DNS programming in C
ldproxyNix package
Linker Proxy: a simple tool to forward linker arguments to the actual linker executable
ldtkNix package
Modern, lightweight and efficient 2D level editor