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Showing entries 1-19 out of 19.
ls-lintNix package
Extremely fast file and directory name linter
lsb_releaseNix package
Prints certain LSB (Linux Standard Base) and Distribution information
lscolorsNix package
Rust library and tool to colorize paths using LS_COLORS
lsdNix package
Next gen ls command
lsd2dslNix package
Lingvo dictionaries decompiler
lsdvdNix package
Display information about audio, video, and subtitle tracks on a DVD
lseNix package
Linux enumeration tool with verbosity levels
lshNix package
Command-Line Interface for
lshwlshwNix package
Provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine
lshwlshw-guiNix package
Provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine
lsirec-unstableNix package
LSI SAS2008/SAS2108 low-level recovery tool for Linux
lsiutilNix package
Configuration utility for MPT adapters (FC, SCSI, and SAS/SATA)
lsixNix package
Shows thumbnails in terminal using sixel graphics
lsofNix package
Tool to list open files
lsp-aiNix package
Open-source language server that serves as a backend for AI-powered functionality
lsp-pluginsNix package
Collection of open-source audio plugins
lsscsiNix package
Tool to list passwords and other secrets stored using the org.freedesktop.secrets dbus api
lswtNix package
Command that lists Wayland toplevels