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Showing entries 1-100 out of 215.
Arknights assistant
maa-cliNix package
Simple CLI for MAA by Rust
mac-fdiskNix package
68K and PowerPC
mac-robberNix package
Digital investigation tool that collects data from allocated files in a mounted file system
macchangerNix package
Utility for viewing/manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces
macchinaNix package
Fast, minimal and customizable system information fetcher
maccyNix package
Simple clipboard manager for macOS
macdylibbundlerNix package
Utility to ease bundling libraries into executables for OSX
mackerel-agentNix package
System monitoring service for
mackupNix package
A tool to keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux)
macmonNix package
Sudoless performance monitoring for Apple Silicon processors
macseNix package
Multiple alignment of coding sequences
macskkNix package
Yet Another macOS SKK Input Method
mactopNix package
Terminal-based monitoring tool 'top' designed to display real-time metrics for Apple Silicon chips
mactrackerNix package
Mactracker provides detailed information on every Apple Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, iPad, and Apple W…
maddyNix package
Composable all-in-one mail server
madonctlNix package
CLI for the Mastodon social network API
maelstrommaelstromNix package
Arcade-style game resembling Asteroids
maelstrommaelstrom-cljNix package
Workbench for writing toy implementations of distributed systems
maeparserNix package
Maestro file parser
maestroNix package
Mobile UI Automation tool
mafftNix package
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
mageNix package
Make/Rake-like Build Tool Using Go
magento-cloudNix package
Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI
magic-enumNix package
Static reflection for enums (to string, from string, iteration) for modern C++
magic-vlsiNix package
VLSI layout tool written in Tcl
magic-wormhole-rsmagic-wormhole-rsNix package
Rust implementation of Magic Wormhole, with new features and enhancements
magic-wormhole-rswormhole-rsNix package
Rust implementation of Magic Wormhole, with new features and enhancements
CUPS driver for Magicard Printers
magicrescueNix package
Find and recover deleted files on block devices
GTK Theme with Catppuccin colour scheme
magneticoNix package
Autonomous (self-hosted)
magoNix package
Toolchain for PHP that aims to provide a set of tools to help developers write better code
magpieNix package
Softish fork of Mutter 43.x
maidNix package
Rule-based file mover and cleaner in Ruby
maikoNix package
Medley Interlisp virtual machine
mailcapmailcapNix package
Helper application and MIME type associations for file types
mailcapmime-typesNix package
Helper application and MIME type associations for file types
mailcheckNix package
Simple command line tool to check for new messages
maildropNix package
Mail filter/mail delivery agent that is used by the Courier Mail Server
MailHogNix package
Web and API based SMTP testing
mailsendNix package
CLI email sending tool
mailspringNix package
Beautiful, fast and maintained fork of Nylas Mail by one of the original authors
mailsyNix package
Quickly generate a disposable email straight from terminal
maimNix package
Command-line screenshot utility
mainsailNix package
Web interface for managing and controlling 3D printers with Klipper
mairixNix package
Program for indexing and searching email messages stored in maildir, MH or mbox
maizzleNix package
CLI tool for the Maizzle Email Framework
majimaNix package
Generate random usernames quickly and in various formats
Monospaced geometric sans serif all-uppercase typeface
makebootfatNix package
Create bootable USB disks using the FAT filesystem and syslinux
makefile2graphNix package
Creates a graph of dependencies from GNU-Make; Output is a graphiz-dot file or a Gexf-XML file
makejinjaNix package
Generate entire directory structures using Jinja templates with support for external data and cust…
maker-panelNix package
Make mechanical PCBs by combining shapes together
makerpmNix package
Clean, simple RPM packager reimplemented completely from scratch
makeselfNix package
Utility to create self-extracting packages
makimaNix package
Linux daemon to remap and create macros for keyboards, mice and controllers
makoNix package
Lightweight Wayland notification daemon
maloaderNix package
Mach-O loader for Linux
maltNix package
Memory tool to find where you allocate your memory
maltegoNix package
Open source intelligence and forensics application, enabling to easily gather information about DN…
malwoverviewNix package
Tool for threat hunting and gathering intel information from various sources
mambaNix package
Virtual MIDI keyboard for Jack Audio Connection Kit
man-dbNix package
Implementation of the standard Unix documentation system accessed using the man command
man-pagesNix package
Linux development manual pages
man-pages-posixNix package
POSIX man-pages (0p, 1p, 3p)
managarrNix package
TUI and CLI to manage your Servarrs
manaplusNix package
Free OpenSource 2D MMORPG client
mandocNix package
Suite of tools compiling mdoc and man
mandownNix package
Markdown to groff (man page) converter
Bash script for reading mangas via the terminal by scraping manganato
manga-tuiNix package
Terminal-based manga reader and downloader with image support
mangalNix package
CLI app written in Go which scrapes, downloads and packs manga into different formats
mangareaderNix package
Qt manga reader for local files
mangayomiNix package
Read manga and stream anime from a variety of sources including BitTorrent
manglNix package
A graphical man page viewer based on the mandoc library
mangojuiceNix package
Convenient alternative to GOverlay for setting up MangoHud
maniNix package
CLI tool to help you manage multiple repositories
manifest-toolNix package
Command line tool to create and query container image manifest list/indexes
manifoldNix package
Geometry library for topological robustness
manixNix package
Fast CLI documentation searcher for Nix
manropeNix package
Open-source modern sans-serif font family
mantaNix package
Structural variant caller
manticoreNix package
Parallel, pure variant of Standard ML
manticoresearchNix package
Easy to use open source fast database for search
mantraNix package
Tool used to hunt down API key leaks in JS files and pages
mapNix package
Map lines from stdin to commands
mapcacheNix package
Server that implements tile caching to speed up access to WMS layers
mapcidrNix package
Small utility program to perform multiple operations for a given subnet/CIDR ranges
mapproxyNix package
Open source proxy for geospatial data
mapsciiNix package
MapSCII is a Braille & ASCII world map renderer for your console
mapserverNix package
Platform for publishing spatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web
MAR1D-unstableNix package
First person Super Mario Bros
marathi-cursiveNix package
Modi script font with Graphite and OpenType support
marathonctlNix package
CLI tool for Marathon
A community-developed version of the original Marble Marcher - a fractal physics game
Shell theme for GNOME DE
marcelNix package
Modern shell
marge-botNix package
Merge bot for GitLab
mari0Nix package
Crossover between Super Mario Bros. and Portal