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Showing entries 101-116 out of 116.
metamorphose2Nix package
Graphical mass renaming program for files and folders
metapixelNix package
Tool for generating photomosaics
metar-unstableNix package
Downloads weather reports and optionally decodes them
metastoreNix package
Store and restore metadata from a filesystem
meteoNix package
Know the forecast of the next hours & days
meteo-qtNix package
System tray application for weather status information
meteorNix package
Complete open source platform for building web and mobile apps in pure JavaScript
meteor-gitNix package
CLI tool for writing conventional commits
meterbridgeNix package
Various meters (VU, PPM, DPM, JF, SCO) for Jack Audio Connection Kit
meters.lv2Nix package
Collection of audio level meters with GUI in LV2 plugin format
methaneNix package
Clone of Taito's Bubble Bobble arcade game released for Amiga in 1993 by Apache Software
metisNix package
Serial graph partitioning and fill-reducing matrix ordering
metis-proverNix package
Automatic theorem prover for first-order logic with equality
metronomeNix package
Keep the tempo
mev-boostNix package
Ethereum block-building middleware
Tool for partial deblobbing of Intel ME/TXE firmware images