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Showing entries 1-24 out of 24.
mmNix package
File system based matrix client
mm-commonNix package
Common build files of GLib/GTK C++ bindings
mmaNix package
Creates MIDI tracks for a soloist to perform over from a user supplied file containing chords
mmakeNix package
Small program which wraps make to provide additional functionality
mmarkNix package
Powerful markdown processor in Go geared towards the IETF
Configure MMC storage devices from userspace
mmctlNix package
Remote CLI tool for Mattermost
mmdbctlNix package
MMDB file management CLI supporting various operations on MMDB database files
mmdbinspectNix package
Look up records for one or more IPs/networks in one or more .mmdb databases
mmdocNix package
Minimal Markdown Documentation
mmgNix package
Open source software for bidimensional and tridimensional remeshing
mmh-unstableNix package
Set of electronic mail handling programs
MMIX simulator and assembler
mmj2Nix package
GUI Proof Assistant for the Metamath project
mmsd-tngNix package
Multimedia Messaging Service Daemon -
mmsd-unstableNix package
Multimedia Messaging Service Daemon
mmseqs2Nix package
Ultra fast and sensitive sequence search and clustering suite
mmtcNix package
Minimal mpd terminal client that aims to be simple yet highly configurable
mmtf-cppNix package
Library of exchange-correlation functionals with arbitrary-order derivatives
mmtuiNix package
TUI disk mount manager for TUI file managers
mmvNix package
Utility for wildcard renaming, copying, etc
mmv-goNix package
Rename multiple files using your $EDITOR
money-manager-exNix package
Easy-to-use personal finance software
wmutilsNix package
Set of utilities for querying xrandr monitor information