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Showing entries 1-43 out of 43.
mp3blasterNix package
Audio player for the text console
mp3catNix package
Command line program which concatenates MP3 files
mp3fsNix package
FUSE file system that transparently transcodes to MP3
mp3gainNix package
Lossless mp3 normalizer with statistical analysis
mp3spltNix package
Utility to split mp3, ogg vorbis and FLAC files without decoding
mp3valNix package
Tool for validating and repairing MPEG audio streams
mp4fpsmodNix package
Tiny mp4 time code editor
mp4v2Nix package
Provides functions to read, create, and modify mp4 files
mpackNix package
Utilities for encoding and decoding binary files in MIME
mpageNix package
Many-to-one page printing utility
mpbNix package
MIT Photonic-Bands: computation of photonic band structures in periodic media
mpcmpcNix package
Minimalist command line interface to MPD
mpcmpc-cliNix package
Minimalist command line interface to MPD
mpcmpc_cliNix package
Minimalist command line interface to MPD
mpc123Nix package
Musepack (.mpc) audio player
mpd-discord-rpcNix package
Rust application which displays your currently playing song / album / artist from MPD in Discord u…
mpd-mprisNix package
Implementation of the MPRIS protocol for MPD
mpd-notificationNix package
Notifications for mpd
Small MPD client that let's you view covers and has controls suitable for small touchscreens
mpdasNix package
Music Player Daemon AudioScrobbler
mpdcronNix package
Cron like daemon for mpd
mpdecimalNix package
Library for arbitrary precision decimal floating point arithmetic
mpDris2Nix package
MPRIS 2 support for mpd
mpdscribbleNix package
MPD client which submits info about tracks being played to a scrobbler
mpfiNix package
Multiple precision interval arithmetic library based on MPFR
mpfrNix package
Library for multiple-precision floating-point arithmetic
mphNix package
mpifileutilsNix package
Suite of MPI-based tools to manage large datasets
mpirNix package
Highly optimised library for bignum arithmetic forked from GMP
mplsNix package
Live preview of markdown using Language Server Protocol
mprimeNix package
Mersenne prime search / System stability tester
mpris-notifierNix package
Dependency-light, highly-customizable, XDG desktop notification generator for MPRIS status changes
mpris-scrobblerNix package
Minimalistic scrobbler for ListenBrainz,, &
mpris-timerNix package
Timer app with seamless GNOME integration
mprocsNix package
TUI tool to run multiple commands in parallel and show the output of each command separately
mpsNix package
Flexible memory management and garbage collection library
mptcpdNix package
Daemon for Linux that performs Multipath TCP path management related operations in the user space
Preconfigured set of MPV shaders and configurations for MPV Shim media clients
mpv-subs-popoutNix package
A little application that makes it possible to display mpv's subs anywhere you want
mpvcNix package
Mpc-like control interface for mpv
mpvpaperNix package
Video wallpaper program for wlroots based wayland compositors
mpwNix package
Stateless password management solution
Simple shell based file explorer for ESP8266 Micropython based devices