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Showing entries 1-67 out of 67.
muNix package
Collection of utilities for indexing and searching Maildirs
mubengNix package
Proxy checker and IP rotator
mucommanderNix package
Cross-platform file manager
mudNix package
Multi-directory git runner which allows you to run git commands in a multiple repositories
mueval-envNix package
muffetNix package
Website link checker which scrapes and inspects all pages in a website recursively
muffinNix package
Window management library for the Cinnamon desktop (libmuffin) and its sample WM binary (muffin)
muffonNix package
Advanced multi-source music streaming client
mujocoNix package
Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact
mujsNix package
Lightweight, embeddable Javascript interpreter
mullvad-browserNix package
Privacy-focused browser made in a collaboration between The Tor Project and Mullvad
mullvad-vpnNix package
Client for Mullvad VPN
multichargeNix package
Electronegativity equilibration model for atomic partial charges
multilockscreenNix package
Wrapper script for i3lock-color
multimarkdownNix package
Derivative of Markdown that adds new syntax features
multimon-ngNix package
Multimon is a digital baseband audio protocol decoder
Http multipart parser implemented in C
multipassNix package
Ubuntu VMs on demand for any workstation
multipath-toolsNix package
Tools for the Linux multipathing storage driver
multiplexNix package
Watch torrents with your friends
multirunNix package
Minimalist init process designed for Docker
multitailNix package
Tail on Steroids
multitimeNix package
Time command execution over multiple executions
Unofficial desktop client for F1 TV®
MultiVNCNix package
Cross-platform Multicast-enabled VNC viewer based on LibVNCClient
multus-cniNix package
Multus CNI is a container network interface (CNI) plugin for Kubernetes that enables attaching mul…
mumpsmumpsNix package
MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver
mumpsmumps_parNix package
MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver
mungeNix package
An authentication service for creating and validating credentials
muninNix package
Networked resource monitoring tool
muonmuonNix package
Implementation of Meson build system in C99
muonmuonlangNix package
Modern low-level programming language
Implementation of Meson build system in C99
muparserNix package
Extensible high performance math expression parser library written in C++
muparserxNix package
C++ Library for Parsing Expressions with Strings, Complex Numbers, Vectors, Matrices and more
mupdfmupdfNix package
Lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer and toolkit written in portable C
mupdfmupdf-headlessNix package
Lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer and toolkit written in portable C
mupen64plusNix package
Nintendo 64 Emulator
murexNix package
Bash-like shell and scripting environment with advanced features designed for safety and productiv…
musNix package
Pretty good mpd client
muscleNix package
Multiple sequence alignment with top benchmark scores scalable to thousands of sequences
Manage Muse Sounds (Muse Hub) libraries for MuseScore
museeksNix package
Simple, clean and cross-platform music player
museumNix package
API server for
music-assistantNix package
Music Assistant is a music library manager for various music sources which can easily stream to a …
music-playerNix package
Extensible music player daemon written in Rust
musicpodNix package
Music, radio, television and podcast player
musikcubeNix package
Terminal-based music player, library, and streaming audio server
muslmuslNix package
Efficient, small, quality libc implementation
muslmuslCrossNix package
Efficient, small, quality libc implementation
musl-ftsNix package
Implementation of fts(3) for musl-libc
musl-obstackNix package
An extraction of the obstack functions and macros from GNU libiberty for use with musl-libc
muslyNix package
Fast and high-quality audio music similarity library written in C/C++
mustacheNix package
Mustache text templates for modern C++
mustache-goNix package
Mustache template language in Go
mustache-specNix package
Logic-less templates, specification package
mutagenNix package
Make remote development work with your local tools
mutagen-composeNix package
Compose with Mutagen integration
mutestNix package
BDD testing framework for C, inspired by Mocha
mutmutNix package
Mutation testing system for Python, with a strong focus on ease of use
muttmuttNix package
Small but very powerful text-based mail client
muttmutt-with-sidebarNix package
Small but very powerful text-based mail client
mutt-icsNix package
Tool to show calendar event details in Mutt
mutt-wizardNix package
System for automatically configuring mutt and isync
muttermutterNix package
Window manager for GNOME
muttermutter46Nix package
Window manager for GNOME
muzika-unstableNix package
Elegant music streaming app