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Showing entries 1-100 out of 144.
neNix package
Nice editor
near-clinear-cliNix package
General purpose command line tools for interacting with NEAR Protocol
near-clinodePackages.near-cliNix package
General purpose command line tools for interacting with NEAR Protocol
near-clinodePackages_latest.near-cliNix package
General purpose command line tools for interacting with NEAR Protocol
nearcoreNix package
Reference client for NEAR Protocol
neardNix package
Near Field Communication manager
neardal-unstableNix package
C APIs to exchange datas with the NFC daemon 'Neard'
neatvncNix package
VNC server library
nebulaNix package
Overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security
neditNix package
Fast, compact Motif/X11 plain text editor
needleNix package
Compile-time safe Swift dependency injection framework
neilNix package
CLI to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects
nekoNix package
High-level dynamically typed programming language
nekorayNix package
Qt based cross-platform GUI proxy configuration manager
neluaNix package
Minimal, efficient, statically-typed and meta-programmable systems programming language heavily in…
nemiverNix package
Easy to use standalone C/C++ debugger
nemoNix package
File browser for Cinnamon
nemo-emblemsNix package
Change a folder or file emblem in Nemo
nemo-filerollerNix package
Nemo file roller extension
nemo-pythonNix package
Python bindings for the Nemo extension library
File browser for Cinnamon
nemuNix package
Ncurses UI for QEMU
neoNix package
Simulates the digital rain from "The Matrix"
neo-cowsayNix package
Cowsay reborn, written in Go
neo4jNix package
Highly scalable, robust (fully ACID) native graph database
neo4j-desktopNix package
GUI front-end for Neo4j
neocitiesneocitiesNix package
CLI and library for interacting with the Neocities API
neocitiesneocities-cliNix package
CLI and library for interacting with the Neocities API
neocmakelspNix package
CMake lsp based on tower-lsp and treesitter
neocomp-unstableNix package
Fork of Compton, a compositor for X11
Fast, highly customizable system info script
neonNix package
HTTP and WebDAV client library
neosayNix package
Pipe stdin to matrix
neothesiaNix package
Flashy Synthesia Like Software For Linux, Windows and macOS
neovideNix package
Neovide is a simple, no-nonsense, cross-platform graphical user interface for Neovim
neovim-gtkNix package
Gtk ui for neovim
neovim-qtNix package
Neovim client library and GUI, in Qt5
Neovim client library and GUI, in Qt5
neovim-remoteNix package
Tool that helps controlling nvim processes from a terminal
neovim-unwrappedNix package
Vim text editor fork focused on extensibility and agility
Font patcher to generate Nerd font
nerdctlNix package
Docker-compatible CLI for containerd
nerdfetchNix package
POSIX *nix (Linux, macOS, Android, *BSD, etc) fetch script using Nerdfonts
nerdfixNix package
Nerdfix helps you to find/fix obsolete nerd font icons in your project
nest-cliNix package
CLI tool for Nest applications
nestopiaNix package
Cross-platform Nestopia emulator core with a GUI
net-cppNix package
Simple yet beautiful networking API for C++11
net-news-wireNix package
RSS reader for macOS and iOS
net-snmpNix package
Clients and server for the SNMP network monitoring protocol
netassertNix package
Command line utility to test network connectivity between kubernetes objects
netatalkNix package
Apple Filing Protocol Server
netavarkNix package
Rust based network stack for containers
netbeansNix package
Integrated development environment for Java, C, C++ and PHP
NetBird Management Service Web UI Panel
netbootNix package
Mini PXE server package
Tool to boot OS installers and utilities over the network, to be run from a bootloader
netboxnetboxNix package
IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool
netboxnetbox_4_0Nix package
IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool
netbox2netshotNix package
Inventory synchronization tool between Netbox and Netshot
netcat-gnuNix package
Utility which reads and writes data across network connections
netcat-openbsdNix package
TCP/IP swiss army knife
netcdfNix package
Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Format
netcdf-cxx4Nix package
C++ API to manipulate netcdf files
netcdf-mpiNix package
Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Format
netclientNix package
Automated WireGuard® Management Client
netcoredbgNix package
Managed code debugger with MI interface for CoreCLR
netdiscoverNix package
Network address discovering tool, developed mainly for those wireless networks without dhcp server…
Rust + GTK based netease cloud music player
neteventNix package
Share linux event devices with other machines
netfetchNix package
Kubernetes tool for scanning clusters for network policies and identifying unprotected workloads
Open Netflix in Google Chrome app mode
nethogsNix package
Small 'net top' tool, grouping bandwidth by process
nethoscopeNix package
Listen to your network traffic
netifd-unstableNix package
OpenWrt Network interface configuration daemon
netkit-tftpNix package
Netkit TFTP client and server
netlify-cliNix package
Netlify command line tool
netlistsvgNix package
Draw SVG digital circuits schematics from yosys JSON netlists
netlogoNix package
Multi-agent programmable modeling environment
netmaskNix package
IP address formatting tool
netopNix package
Network monitor using bpf
netperfNix package
Benchmark to measure the performance of many different types of networking
netplanNix package
Backend-agnostic network configuration in YAML
netprocNix package
Tool to monitor network traffic based on processes
netproxrcNix package
HTTP proxy injecting credentials from a .netrc file
netrisNix package
Free networked version of T*tris
netrwNix package
Simple tool for transporting data over the network
netscannerNix package
Network scanner with features like WiFi scanning, packetdump and more
netselectNix package
Ultrafast intelligent parallelizing binary-search implementation of "ping"
netsniff-ngNix package
Swiss army knife for daily Linux network plumbing
NetworkManager control applet for GNOME
networkaudiodNix package
Network Audio Adapter daemon
Dispatcher service for systemd-networkd connection status changes
Experimental implementation of the C++ Networking Technical Specification
NetworkManager’s FortiSSL plugin
NetworkManager's iodine plugin
L2TP plugin for NetworkManager
NetworkManager’s OpenConnect plugin
NetworkManager's OpenVPN plugin
NetworkManager's sstp plugin
NetworkManager's strongswan plugin