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Showing entries 1-100 out of 123.
atlas-unstableNix package
Nim package cloner
niNix package
Use the right package manager
nibtoolsNix package
Disk transfer utility for imaging and converting commodore 64 disk images
nice-dcv-clientNix package
High-performance remote display protocol
nickelNix package
Better configuration for less
nicotine-plusNix package
Graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system
nicstatNix package
Network traffic statistics utility for Solaris and Linux
niffNix package
Program that compares two Nix expressions and determines which attributes changed
nifiNix package
Easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data
nifticlibNix package
Medical imaging format C API
niftyregNix package
Medical image registration software
niftysegNix package
Software for medical image segmentation, bias field correction, and cortical thickness calculation
GTK theme based on the Nightfox colour palette
nihstroNix package
3DS shader assembler and disassembler
niimathNix package
Open-source clone of fslmaths
nika-fontsNix package
Persian/Arabic Open Source Font
niktoNix package
Web server scanner
nilNix package
Yet another language server for Nix
nilawayNix package
Static Analysis tool to detect potential Nil panics in Go code
nilfs-utilsNix package
NILFS utilities
nim-unwrappednim-unwrappedNix package
Statically typed, imperative programming language
nim-unwrappednim-unwrapped-1Nix package
Statically typed, imperative programming language
nim-unwrappednim-unwrapped-2_0Nix package
Statically typed, imperative programming language
nim_builderNix package
Internal Nixpkgs utility for buildNimPackage
nim_lkNix package
Generate Nix specific lock files for Nim packages
nimbleNix package
Package manager for the Nim programming language
nimdowNix package
Nim based tiling window manager
nimlangserverNix package
Nim language server implementation (based on nimsuggest)
nimlspNix package
Language Server Protocol implementation for Nim
nimmmNix package
Terminal file manager for Linux
ninjaninjaNix package
Small build system with a focus on speed
ninjaninja_1_11Nix package
Small build system with a focus on speed
ninjas2Nix package
Sample slicer plugin for LV2, VST, and jack standalone
ninjavisNix package
Generate visualization from Ninja build logs
ninvadersNix package
Space Invaders clone based on ncurses
nip2Nix package
Graphical user interface for VIPS image processing system
niriNix package
Scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor
nitchNix package
Incredibly fast system fetch written in nim
nitrocliNix package
Command line tool for interacting with Nitrokey devices
nitrogenNix package
Wallpaper browser and setter for X11
Firmware for the Nitrokey FIDO2 device
Firmware for the Nitrokey Pro device
Firmware for the Nitrokey Start device
Firmware for the Nitrokey Storage device
Firmware for the Nitrokey TRNG RS232 device
Udev rules for Nitrokey devices
nitterNix package
Alternative Twitter front-end
Bash completions for Nix, NixOS, and NixOps
nix-binary-cacheNix package
Set of scripts to serve the Nix store as a binary cache
nix-bisectNix package
Bisect nix builds
nix-btmNix package
Rust tool to monitor Nix processes
CI friendly wrapper around nix-build
nix-bundleNix package
Create bundles from Nixpkgs attributes
nix-direnvnix-direnvNix package
Fast, persistent use_nix implementation for direnv
nix-direnvnix-direnv-flakesNix package
Fast, persistent use_nix implementation for direnv
nix-docNix package
Interactive Nix documentation tool
nix-fast-buildNix package
Combine the power of nix-eval-jobs with nix-output-monitor to speed-up your evaluation and buildin…
nix-forecastNix package
Check the forecast for today's Nix builds
nix-healthNix package
Check the health of your Nix setup
nix-initNix package
Command line tool to generate Nix packages from URLs
nix-inspectNix package
Interactive TUI for inspecting nix configs and other expressions
nix-janitorNix package
Tool to clean up old profile generations
nix-ldnix-ldNix package
Run unpatched dynamic binaries on NixOS
nix-ldnix-ld-rsNix package
Run unpatched dynamic binaries on NixOS
nix-lib-nmdNix package
Documentation framework for projects based on NixOS modules
nix-lib-nmtNix package
Basic test framework for projects using the Nixpkgs module system
nix-meltNix package
Ranger-like flake.lock viewer
nix-playgroundNix package
Command line tools for patching nixpkgs package source code easily
nix-plugin-pijulNix package
Plugin to add Pijul support to the Nix package manager
nix-pluginsNix package
Collection of miscellaneous plugins for the nix expression language
nix-prefetchNix package
Prefetch any fetcher function call, e.g. package sources
GTK viewer for the output of nix store --query
A --pre-build-hook for Nix, that allows to expose extra paths in the build sandbox based on deriva…
nix-scriptNix package
Shebang for running inside nix-shell
nix-searchNix package
Nix-channel-compatible package search
nix-search-cliNix package
CLI for searching packages on
nix-search-tvNix package
Nixpkgs channel for television
nix-serveNix package
Utility for sharing a Nix store as a binary cache
nix-snapshotterNix package
Brings native understanding of Nix packages to containerd
HTTP nix store that proxies requests to Google Storage
Systemd unit generator for a verity protected Nix Store
nix-topNix package
Tracks what nix is building
'the tour of nix' from as offline version
nix-unitNix package
Nix unit test runner
nix-updateNix package
Swiss-knife for updating nix packages
nix-weatherNix package
Check Cache Availablility of NixOS Configurations
nix-webNix package
Web interface for the Nix store
nix-your-shellNix package
Nix and nix-shell wrapper for shells other than bash
ZSH completions for Nix, NixOS, and NixOps
nixciNix package
Define and build CI for Nix projects anywhere
nixdocNix package
Generate documentation for Nix functions
nixelNix package
Lexer, Parser, Abstract Syntax Tree and Concrete Syntax Tree for the Nix Expressions Language
nixfmt-treeNix package
Official Nix formatter zero-setup starter using treefmt
nixfmt-unstableNix package
Official formatter for Nix code
nixops-dnsNix package
DNS server for resolving NixOps machines
nixos-anywhereNix package
Install nixos everywhere via ssh
BGRT theme with a spinning NixOS logo
nixos-build-vmsNix package
nixos-containerNix package
nixos-enterNix package
Run a command in a NixOS chroot environment