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Showing entries 1-11 out of 11.
owampNix package
Tool for performing one-way active measurements
Portable Wayland compositor in Objective-C
owl-lispNix package
Functional Scheme for world domination
owl-unstableNix package
Open Apple Wireless Direct Link (AWDL) implementation written in C
owmods-cliNix package
CLI version of the mod manager for Outer Wilds Mod Loader
owmods-guiNix package
GUI version of the mod manager for Outer Wilds Mod Loader
owncastNix package
Self-hosted video live streaming solution
owncloud-clientNix package
Synchronise your ownCloud with your computer using this desktop client
owntoneNix package
Media server to stream audio to AirPlay and Chromecast receivers
Store and access data published by OwnTracks apps
owocrNix package
Optical character recognition for Japanese text