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Showing entries 1-13 out of 13.
pharopharoNix package
Clean and innovative Smalltalk-inspired environment
pharopharo-spur64Nix package
Clean and innovative Smalltalk-inspired environment
phelNix package
Phel is a functional programming language that compiles to PHP
photiniNix package
An easy to use digital photograph metadata (Exif, IPTC, XMP) editing application
photocollageNix package
Graphical tool to make photo collage posters
photonvisionNix package
Free, fast, and easy-to-use computer vision solution for the FIRST Robotics Competition
photoqtNix package
Simple, yet powerful and good looking image viewer
phpactorNix package
Mainly a PHP Language Server
phpdocumentorNix package
PHP documentation generator
phpunitNix package
PHP Unit Testing framework
phrazeNix package
Generate random passphrases
physacNix package
2D physics header-only library for raylib
Mainly a PHP Language Server