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Showing entries 1-15 out of 15.
pm-utilsNix package
Small collection of scripts that handle suspend and resume on behalf of HAL
pm2nodePackages.pm2Nix package
Node.js production process manager with a built-in load balancer
pm2nodePackages_latest.pm2Nix package
Node.js production process manager with a built-in load balancer
pm2pm2Nix package
Node.js production process manager with a built-in load balancer
pmacctNix package
Small set of multi-purpose passive network monitoring tools
pmarspmarsNix package
Official Core War simulator
pmarspmars-x11Nix package
Official Core War simulator
pmbootstrapNix package
Sophisticated chroot/build/flash tool to develop and install postmarketOS
pmccabeNix package
McCabe-style function complexity and line counting for C and C++
pmenuNix package
Pie-menu tool
pmidiNix package
Straightforward command line program to play midi files through the ALSA sequencer
pmixNix package
Process Management Interface for HPC environments
pmountNix package
Mount removable devices as normal user
pms-unstableNix package
Interactive Vim-like console client for MPD
pmtilesNix package
Single-file utility for creating and working with PMTiles archives