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Showing entries 1-38 out of 38.
py3cNix package
Python 2/3 compatibility layer for C extensions
pyamlbootNix package
Amlogic USB Boot Protocol Library
pybibgetNix package
Command line utility to automatically retrieve BibTeX citations from MathSciNet, arXiv, PubMed and…
pybugzNix package
Command line interface for Bugzilla
pycaNix package
Fully functional Opencast capture agent written in Python
pycdcNix package
C++ python bytecode disassembler and decompiler
pychessNix package
Advanced GTK chess client written in Python
pyditzNix package
Drop-in replacement for the Ditz distributed issue tracker
pyenvNix package
Simple Python version management
pyfaNix package
Python fitting assistant, cross-platform fitting tool for EVE Online
pyflybyNix package
Set of productivity tools for Python
pykickstartNix package
Python package to interact with Kickstart files commonly found in the RPM world
pykmsNix package
Windows KMS (Key Management Service) server written in Python
pylint-exitNix package
Utility to handle pylint exit codes in an OS-friendly way
pyload-ngNix package
Free and open-source download manager with support for 1-click-hosting sites
pylodeNix package
OWL ontology documentation tool using Python and templating, based on LODE
pylyzerNix package
Fast static code analyzer & language server for Python
pympressNix package
Simple yet powerful PDF reader designed for dual-screen presentations
pypi-mirrorNix package
Script to create a partial PyPI mirror
pyprlandNix package
Hyperland plugin system
pyradioNix package
Curses based internet radio player
pyrightNix package
Type checker for the Python language
pyrosimpleNix package
RTorrent client
pyrseasNix package
Declarative language to describe PostgreSQL databases
pysentationNix package
CLI for displaying Python presentations
pyspreadNix package
Python-oriented spreadsheet application
pysqlreconNix package
Offensive MSSQL toolkit
pystringNix package
Collection of C++ functions which match the interface and behavior of python's string class method…
Actually Portable Python using Cosmopolitan
python-launcherNix package
Implementation of the py command for Unix-based platforms
python3.12-pydfNix package
Colourised df(1)-clone
python3.12-pypNix package
Easily run Python at the shell
pytrNix package
Use TradeRepublic in terminal and mass download all documents
pytrainerNix package
Application for logging and graphing sporting excursions
pywal16Nix package
16 colors fork of pywal
pywalfox-nativeNix package
Native app used alongside the Pywalfox addon
pyxelNix package
Retro game engine for Python
pyzyNix package
The Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library