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Showing entries 1-96 out of 96.
ra-multiplexNix package
Multiplexer for rust-analyzer
rabbitNix package
Tool for identifying bot accounts based on their recent GitHub event history
rabbitmq-cNix package
rabbitmq-serverNix package
Implementation of the AMQP messaging protocol
rabbitmqadmin-ngNix package
Command line tool for RabbitMQ that uses the HTTP API
rabtapNix package
RabbitMQ wire tap and swiss army knife
racerNix package
Car racing game
radamsaNix package
General purpose fuzzer
radcliNix package
Simple RADIUS client library
radeontoolNix package
Lowlevel tools to tweak register and dump state on radeon GPUs
radeontopNix package
Top-like tool for viewing AMD Radeon GPU utilization
radianceNix package
Validated Lighting Simulation Tool
radicaleradicaleNix package
CalDAV and CardDAV server
radicaleradicale3Nix package
CalDAV and CardDAV server
radicle-explorerNix package
Web frontend for Radicle
radicle-httpdNix package
Radicle JSON HTTP API Daemon
radicle-nodeNix package
Radicle node and CLI for decentralized code collaboration
radio-cliNix package
Simple radio CLI written in rust
radioboatNix package
Terminal web radio client
radsecproxyNix package
Generic RADIUS proxy that supports both UDP and TLS (RadSec) RADIUS transports
radvdNix package
IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon
raffiNix package
Fuzzel launcher based on yaml configuration
raft-canonicalNix package
Fully asynchronous C implementation of the Raft consensus protocol
raft-cowsqlNix package
Asynchronous C implementation of the Raft consensus protocol
rageNix package
Simple, secure and modern encryption tool with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-st…
ragenixNix package
Age-encrypted secrets for NixOS, drop-in replacement for agenix
ragnarwmNix package
Minimal, flexible & user-friendly X tiling window manager
raiderNix package
Permanently delete your files (also named File Shredder)
rails-newNix package
Generate new Rails applications without having to install Ruby
railwayNix package CLI
railway-walletNix package
Private DeFi wallet for Linux
rainrainNix package
Development workflow tool for working with AWS CloudFormation
rainrain-bittorrentNix package
BitTorrent client and library in Go
rainbowcrackNix package
Rainbow table generator used for password cracking
rainfrogNix package
A database management TUI for postgres
raiseorlaunchNix package
Run-or-raise-application-launcher for i3 window manager
rakkessNix package
Review Access - kubectl plugin to show an access matrix for k8s server resources
ralewayNix package
Raleway is an elegant sans-serif typeface family
ramboxramboxNix package
Workspace Simplifier - a cross-platform application organizing web services into Workspaces simila…
ramboxrambox-proNix package
Workspace Simplifier - a cross-platform application organizing web services into Workspaces simila…
ramfetchNix package
Tool which displays memory information
ranNix package
Ran is a simple web server for serving static files
ranaNix package
Nostr public key mining tool
rancherNix package
Rancher Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool for interacting with your Rancher Server
rancidNix package
Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
randoopNix package
Automatic test generation for Java
randtypeNix package
Semi-random text typer
rangNix package
Minimal, Header only Modern c++ library for terminal goodies
range-v3Nix package
Experimental range library for C++11/14/17
rangerNix package
File manager with minimalistic curses interface
rankwidthNix package
Calculates rank-width and rank-decompositions
rapidapiNix package
Full-featured HTTP client that lets you test and describe the APIs you build or consume
rapidcheckNix package
C++ framework for property based testing inspired by QuickCheck
rapidfuzz-cppNix package
Rapid fuzzy string matching in C++ using the Levenshtein Distance
rapidjson-unstablerapidjsonNix package
Fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
rapidjson-unstablerapidjson-unstableNix package
Fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
Multi-platform GUI front-end for the Subversion revision system
rapidxmlNix package
Fast XML DOM-style parser in C++
rapidyamlNix package
Library to parse and emit YAML, and do it fast
rappelNix package
Pretty janky assembly REPL
rar2fsNix package
FUSE file system for reading RAR archives
rar2hashcatNix package
Processes input RAR files into a format suitable for use with hashcat
rarcrackNix package
This program can crack zip,7z and rar file passwords
rareNix package
Fast text scanner/regex extractor and realtime summarizer
rarsNix package
RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator
rascalNix package
Command-line REPL for the Rascal metaprogramming language
rasdaemonNix package
A Reliability, Availability and Serviceability (RAS) logging tool using EDAC kernel tracing events
rasmNix package
Z80 assembler
Installation scripts and binaries for the closed sourced Raspberry Pi 4 and 5 bootloader EEPROMs
Firmware for builtin Wifi/Bluetooth devices in the Raspberry Pi 3+ and Zero W
rastertoezplNix package
CUPS driver for GODEX printers
ratchetNix package
Tool for securing CI/CD workflows with version pinning
ratesNix package
CLI tool that brings currency exchange rates right into your terminal
ratholeNix package
Reverse proxy for NAT traversal
ratmanNix package
Modular decentralised peer-to-peer packet router and associated tools
ratmenNix package
Minimalistic X11 menu creator
ratoolsNix package
Fast, dynamic, multi-threading framework for IPv6 Router Advertisements
ratoxNix package
FIFO based tox client
ratpointsNix package
Program to find rational points on hyperelliptic curves
ratpoisonNix package
Simple mouse-free tiling window manager
ratslapNix package
Configure G300 and G300s Logitech mice
rattNix package
Tool for converting websites to rss/atom feeds
rattler-buildNix package
Universal package builder for Windows, macOS and Linux
raucNix package
Safe and secure software updates for embedded Linux
raulNix package
C++ utility library primarily aimed at audio/musical applications
rav1eNix package
Fastest and safest AV1 encoder
ravedudeNix package
Tool to easily flash code onto an AVR microcontroller with avrdude
raven-readerNix package
Open source desktop news reader with flexible settings to optimize your experience
RAxMLNix package
Tool for Phylogenetic Analysis and Post-Analysis of Large Phylogenies
RAxML-mpiNix package
Tool for Phylogenetic Analysis and Post-Analysis of Large Phylogenies
raycastNix package
Control your tools with a few keystrokes
rayguiNix package
A simple and easy-to-use immediate-mode gui library
raylibNix package
Simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming
raylib-gamesNix package
Collection of games made with raylib
razeNix package
Build engine port backed by GZDoom tech
razer-cliNix package
Command line interface for controlling Razer devices on Linux