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Showing entries 101-200 out of 229.
refinery-cliNix package
Run migrations for the Refinery ORM for Rust via the CLI
reflexNix package
Small tool to watch a directory and rerun a command when certain files change
refmtNix package
Reformat HCL <-> JSON <-> YAML
Refactoring tools for Go
refurbNix package
Tool for refurbishing and modernizing Python codebases
regNix package
Docker registry v2 command line client and repo listing generator with security checks
regalNix package
Linter and language server for Rego
regclientregbotNix package
Docker and OCI Registry Client in Go and tooling using those libraries
regclientregclientNix package
Docker and OCI Registry Client in Go and tooling using those libraries
regclientregctlNix package
Docker and OCI Registry Client in Go and tooling using those libraries
regclientregsyncNix package
Docker and OCI Registry Client in Go and tooling using those libraries
Reimplementation of genkfs in Rust
regex-cliNix package
Command line tool for debugging, ad hoc benchmarking and generating regular expressions
regex2jsonNix package
Convert text to JSON using only regular expressions
regexploitNix package
Tool to find regular expressions which are vulnerable to ReDoS
regextesterNix package
Desktop application to test regular expressions interactively
regina-rexxNix package
REXX interpreter
regionsetNix package
Tool for changing the region code setting of DVD players
regolithNix package
Add-on Compiler for the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft
regolsNix package
OPA Rego language server
regpgNix package
GPG wrapper utility for storing secrets in VCS
regripperNix package
Open source forensic software used as a Windows Registry data extraction command line
rehexNix package
Reverse Engineers' Hex Editor
reindeerNix package
Reindeer is a tool which takes Rust Cargo dependencies and generates Buck build rules
reiser4progsNix package
Reiser4 utilities
reiserfsprogsNix package
ReiserFS utilities
release-plzNix package
Publish Rust crates from CI with a Release PR
relicNix package
Service and a tool for adding digital signatures to operating system packages for Linux and Window…
remakeNix package
GNU Make with comprehensible tracing and a debugger
Toolchain for cross-compiling to reMarkable tablets
Toolchain for cross-compiling to reMarkable 2 tablets
remarshalNix package
Convert between TOML, YAML and JSON
remctlNix package
Remote execution tool
remindNix package
Sophisticated calendar and alarm program for the console
remkrom-unstableNix package
Reimplementation of mkrom in Rust
remnoteNix package
Note-taking application focused on learning and productivity
remodnodePackages.remod-cliNix package
Chmod for human beings!
remodnodePackages_latest.remod-cliNix package
Chmod for human beings!
remodremodNix package
Chmod for human beings!
Small GTK app for presenting keybinding hints
remote-touchpadNix package
Control mouse and keyboard from the web browser of a smartphone
remoteboxNix package
VirtualBox client with remote management
ren-findNix package
Command-line utility that takes find-formatted lines and batch renames them
renameutilsNix package
Set of programs to make renaming of files faster
renderdocNix package
Single-frame graphics debugger
renderizerNix package
CLI to render Go template text files
renodeNix package
Virtual development framework for complex embedded systems
renode-dts2replNix package
Tool for converting device tree sources into Renode's .repl files
renode-unstableNix package
Virtual development framework for complex embedded systems
renoiseNix package
Modern tracker-based DAW
renovateNix package
Cross-platform Dependency Automation by
renpyNix package
Visual Novel Engine
Single-shot nREPL client
rep-grepNix package
Command-line utility that takes grep-formatted lines and performs a find-and-replace on them
rep-gtkNix package
GTK bindings for librep
repakNix package
Unreal Engine .pak file library and CLI in rust
repgrepNix package
Interactive replacer for ripgrep that makes it easy to find and replace across files on the comman…
replaceNix package
Tool to replace verbatim strings
replacementNix package
Tool to execute yaml templates and output text
replxxNix package
Readline and libedit replacement that supports UTF-8, syntax highlighting, hints and Windows and i…
repocheckNix package
Check the status of code repositories under a root directory
repomixNix package
Tool to pack repository contents to single file for AI consumption
ReposiliteNix package
Lightweight and easy-to-use repository management software dedicated for the Maven based artifacts…
reposurgeonNix package
Tool for editing version-control repository history
reprenNix package
Simple but flexible command-line tool for rewriting file contents
repro-getNix package
Reproducible apt/dnf/apk/pacman, with content-addressing
reprocNix package
Cross-platform (C99/C++11) process library
reproxyNix package
Simple edge server / reverse proxy
repseekNix package
Tool to retrieve approximate repeats from large DNA sequences
reptyrNix package
Reparent a running program to a new terminal
requestlyNix package
Intercept & Modify HTTP Requests
reredirectNix package
Tool to dynamicly redirect outputs of a running process
rerunNix package
Visualize streams of multimodal data
ReScript Language Server
rescrobbledNix package
MPRIS music scrobbler daemon
resgateNix package
Realtime API Gateway used with NATS to build REST, real time, and RPC APIs
reshapeNix package
Easy-to-use, zero-downtime schema migration tool for Postgres
resilio-syncNix package
Automatically sync files via secure, distributed technology
resnapNix package
Take screnshots of your reMarkable tablet over SSH
resolv_wrapperNix package
Wrapper for the user, group and hosts NSS API
Tool to determine what GCC flags -march=native would resolve into
resonanceNix package
Intuitive GTK4/LibAdwaita music player
resorterNix package
Tool to sort a list of items based on pairwise comparisons
resourcesgnome-resourcesNix package
Monitor your system resources and processes
resourcesresourcesNix package
Monitor your system resources and processes
responderNix package
LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner, with built-in HTTP/SMB/MSSQL/FTP/LDAP rogue authentication server
responsively-appNix package
Modified web browser that helps in responsive web development
restateNix package
Restate is a platform for developing distributed fault-tolerant applications
restic-browserNix package
A GUI to browse and restore restic backup repositories
restic-integrityNix package
CLI tool to check the integrity of a restic repository without unlocking it
resticprofileNix package
Configuration profiles manager for restic backup
restinioNix package
Cross-platform, efficient, customizable, and robust asynchronous HTTP(S)/WebSocket server C++ libr…
restishNix package
CLI tool for interacting with REST-ish HTTP APIs
restlsNix package
Perfect Impersonation of TLS
restmanNix package
CLI for streamlined RESTful API testing and management
restoolNix package
DPAA2 Resource Management Tool
restreamNix package
ReMarkable screen sharing over SSH
resumedNix package
Lightweight JSON Resume builder, no-frills alternative to resume-cli
resvgNix package
SVG rendering library
retdecNix package
Retargetable machine-code decompiler based on LLVM