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Showing entries 1-13 out of 13.
rm-improvedNix package
Replacement for rm with focus on safety, ergonomics and performance
rmanNix package
Parse formatted man pages and man page source from most flavors of UNIX and converts them to HTML,…
rmapiNix package
Go app that allows access to the ReMarkable Cloud API programmatically
rmateNix package
Remote TextMate 2 implemented as shell script
rmenuNix package
Another customizable Application-Launcher written in Rust
rmfakecloudNix package
Host your own cloud for the Remarkable
rmfuse-unstableNix package
FUSE access to the reMarkable Cloud
rmgrmgNix package
Rosalie's Mupen GUI
rmgrmg-waylandNix package
Rosalie's Mupen GUI
rmountNix package
Remote mount utility which parses a json file
rmpcNix package
TUI music player client for MPD with album art support via kitty image protocol
rmtrashNix package
Trash-put made compatible with GNUs rm and rmdir
rmwNix package
Trashcan/ recycle bin utility for the command line