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Showing entries 1-15 out of 15.
seabiosNix package
Open source implementation of a 16bit x86 BIOS
seabirdNix package
Native Kubernetes desktop client
searxngNix package
A fork of Searx, a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine
seclistsNix package
A collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place
segger-jlinkNix package
J-Link Software and Documentation pack
selenium-managerNix package
A browser automation framework and ecosystem
sendmeNix package
A tool to send files and directories, based on iroh
sequoia-sqsequoiaNix package
A cool new OpenPGP implementation
sequoia-sqsequoia-sqNix package
A cool new OpenPGP implementation
Automate testing of serial communication with any serial port device
A legible monospace font for playful professionals
serverlessnodePackages.serverlessNix package
Build applications on AWS Lambda and other next-gen cloud services, that auto-scale and only charg…
serverlessnodePackages_latest.serverlessNix package
Build applications on AWS Lambda and other next-gen cloud services, that auto-scale and only charg…
serverlessserverlessNix package
Build applications on AWS Lambda and other next-gen cloud services, that auto-scale and only charg…
seshNix package
Smart session manager for the terminal