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Showing entries 1-88 out of 88.
python3.12-subunitpython-subunitNix package
Streaming protocol for test results
Streaming protocol for test results
Lexicon for Sudachi
Lexicon for Sudachi
Lexicon for Sudachi
Japanese morphological analyzer
python3.13-subunitpython-subunitNix package
Streaming protocol for test results
Streaming protocol for test results
Lexicon for Sudachi
Lexicon for Sudachi
Lexicon for Sudachi
Japanese morphological analyzer
su-execNix package
Switch user and group id and exec
sub-batchNix package
Match and rename subtitle files to video files and perform other batch operations on subtitle file…
subberthehutNix package downloader
subdl-unstableNix package
Command-line tool to download subtitles from
subeditNix package
Command-line subtitle editor written in BASH
subfinderNix package
Subdomain discovery tool
subgitNix package
Tool for a smooth, stress-free SVN to Git migration
subjsNix package
Fetcher for Javascript files
sublime-musicNix package
GTK3 Subsonic/Airsonic client
Converts tmLanguage to sublime-syntax
sublimetextNix package
Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
subnetcalcNix package
SubNetCalc is an IPv4/IPv6 subnet address calculator
subproberNix package
Subdomain scanning tool
subreadNix package
High-performance read alignment, quantification and mutation discovery
subsonicNix package
Personal media streamer
substudyNix package
Learn foreign languages using audio and subtitles extracted from video files
subtitlecomposerNix package
Open source text-based subtitle editor
subtitleeditNix package
A subtitle editor
GTK 3 application to edit video subtitles
SubtitlrNix package
This application, a subtitle generator for YouTube, utilizes OpenAI's Whisper API
subunitNix package
Streaming protocol for test results
subxtNix package
Submit transactions to a substrate node via RPC
sudachi-rsNix package
Japanese morphological analyzer
sudachidictNix package
Lexicon for Sudachi
sudoNix package
Command to run commands as root
sudo-fontNix package
Font for programmers and command line users
sudo-rsNix package
Memory safe implementation of sudo and su
suid-chrootNix package
Setuid-safe wrapper for chroot
Graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra
summonNix package
CLI that provides on-demand secrets access for common DevOps tools
sumoNix package
SUMO traffic simulator
sumsNix package
Simple GTK postfix calculator for GNOME
sundtekNix package
Sundtek MediaTV driver
sunpaperNix package
Utility to change wallpaper based on local weather, sunrise and sunset times
sunshineNix package
Sunshine is a Game stream host for Moonlight
sunvoxNix package
Small, fast and powerful modular synthesizer with pattern-based sequencer
sunwaitNix package
Calculates sunrise or sunset times with civil, nautical, astronomical and custom twilights
Tools for Allwinner SoC devices
supabase-cliNix package
CLI for interacting with supabase
To Do List / Time Tracker with Jira Integration
Miniscule SVG versions of common logos
supercronicNix package
Cron tool designed for use in containers
superdNix package
Unprivileged user service supervisor
superfileNix package
Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager
supergeeNix package
Vala based UI for beets
supergfxctlNix package
GPU switching utility, mostly for ASUS laptops
KDE Plasma plasmoid for supergfxctl
superhtmlNix package
HTML Language Server and Templating Language Library
superluNix package
Library for the solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations
supermariowarNix package
A fan-made multiplayer Super Mario Bros. style deathmatch game
supermodelNix package
Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator
superscsNix package
Fast conic optimization in C
supersonicNix package
A lightweight cross-platform desktop client for Subsonic music servers
A lightweight cross-platform desktop client for Subsonic music servers
supertagNix package
Tag-based filesystem
supertuxNix package
Classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game
superviseNix package
Minimal unprivileged process supervisor making use of modern Linux features
surelogNix package
SystemVerilog 2017 Pre-processor, Parser, Elaborator, UHDM Compiler
Kiosk browser session manager based on the surf browser
surface-controlNix package
Control various aspects of Microsoft Surface devices on Linux from the Command-Line
surferNix package
Extensible and Snappy Waveform Viewer
surfrawNix package
Provides a fast unix command line interface to a variety of popular WWW search engines and other a…
surge-clinodePackages.surgeNix package
CLI for the CDN
surge-clinodePackages_latest.surgeNix package
CLI for the CDN
surge-clisurge-cliNix package
CLI for the CDN
surge-XTNix package
LV2 & VST3 synthesizer plug-in (previously released as Vember Audio Surge)
suricataNix package
Free and open source, mature, fast and robust Network threat detection engine
surreal-engineNix package
Reimplementation of the original Unreal Engine
surrealdbNix package
Scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database, for the realtime web
surrealistNix package
Surrealist is the ultimate way to visually manage your SurrealDB database
sus-compilerNix package
A new Hardware Design Language that keeps you in the driver's seat
suscanNix package
Channel scanner based on sigutils library
sushiNix package
Quick previewer for Nautilus
sutilsNix package
Small command-line utilities
suwayomi-serverNix package
Free and open source manga reader server that runs extensions built for Tachiyomi
suyuNix package
Experimental Nintendo Switch emulator written in C++