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Showing entries 1-70 out of 70.
swagger-cliNix package
Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 command-line tool
swagger-codegenswagger-codegenNix package
Allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs and documentation automat…
swagger-codegenswagger-codegen3Nix package
Allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs and documentation automat…
swaggerholeNix package
Tool to searching for secret on swaggerhub
Lyrics fetcher for currently playing Spotify song
swaksNix package
Featureful, flexible, scriptable, transaction-oriented SMTP test tool
swapspaceNix package
Dynamic swap manager for Linux
swapviewNix package
Simple program to view processes' swap usage on Linux
swarm-unstableNix package
Verification script generator for Spin
swayNix package
I3-compatible tiling Wayland compositor
Place GUI applications into systemd scopes for systemd-oomd compatibility
Prevents swayidle from sleeping while any application is outputting or receiving audio
sway-easyfocusNix package
Tool to help efficiently focus windows in Sway, inspired by i3-easyfocus
TUI Application launcher with Desktop Entry support
Command to create new Sway workpaces
sway-overfocusNix package
"Better" focus navigation for sway and i3
sway-scratchNix package
Automatically starting named scratchpads for sway
sway-unwrappedNix package
I3-compatible tiling Wayland compositor
swaybgNix package
Wallpaper tool for Wayland compositors
Window Icons in Sway with Nerd Fonts!
swaycwdNix package
Returns cwd for shell in currently focused sway window, or home directory if cannot find shell
Map sway workspace names to icons defined depending on the windows inside of the workspace
swayfxNix package
Sway, but with eye candy!
swayfx-unwrappedNix package
Sway, but with eye candy!
swayidleNix package
Idle management daemon for Wayland
swayimgNix package
Image viewer for Sway/Wayland
swaykbddNix package
Per-window keyboard layout for Sway
swaylockNix package
Screen locker for Wayland
swaylock-effectsNix package
Screen locker for Wayland
This is an swaylock bash script that takes a screenshot of the desktop, blurs the background and a…
Screen locker for Wayland, forked from swaylock
swaymuxNix package
Program to quickly navigate sway
swaynag-batteryNix package
Shows a message when your battery is discharging
Simple notification daemon with a GUI built for Sway
swayosdNix package
GTK based on screen display for keyboard shortcuts
swayrNix package
Window switcher (and more) for sway
swayrbarNix package
Status command for sway's swaybar implementing the swaybar-protocol
swaysettingsNix package
GUI for configuring your sway desktop
swaysomeNix package
Helper to make sway behave more like awesomewm
swaywsNix package
Sway workspace tool which allows easy moving of workspaces to and from outputs
swaywsrNix package
Automatically change sway workspace names based on their contents
swcNix package
Rust-based platform for the Web
sweetNix package
Light and dark colorful Gtk3.20+ theme
sweet-foldersNix package
Folders icons for Sweet GTK theme
Dark and colorful, blurry theme for the KDE Plasma desktop
swegoNix package
Simple Webserver
swell-foopNix package
Puzzle game, previously known as Same GNOME
swfmillNix package
Xml2swf and swf2xml processor with import functionalities
swh-lv2Nix package
LV2 version of Steve Harris' SWH plugins
swift-quitNix package
Automatic quitting of macOS apps when closing their windows
swiftbarNix package
Powerful macOS menu bar customization tool
swiftdefaultappsNix package
View and change the default application for url schemes and UTIs
swiftenNix package
XMPP library for C++, used by the Swift client
swiftformatNix package
Code formatting and linting tool for Swift
swiftlintNix package
A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions
swiftshaderNix package
A high-performance CPU-based implementation of the Vulkan 1.3 graphics API
swigswigNix package
Interface compiler that connects C/C++ code to higher-level languages
swigswig4Nix package
Interface compiler that connects C/C++ code to higher-level languages
swimNix package
Build tool for spade
swingsaneNix package
Java GUI for SANE scanner servers (saned)
swipe-guessNix package
Completion plugin for touchscreen-keyboards on mobile devices
NixOS switch-to-configuration program
switchaudio-osxNix package
Command-line utility to manage audio input/output devices on macOS
switcherooNix package
App for converting images between different formats
D-Bus service to check the availability of dual-GPU
switchresNix package
Modeline generation engine for emulation
swordNix package
Software framework that allows research manipulation of Biblical texts
swtNix package
A widget toolkit for Java to access the user-interface facilities of the operating systems on whic…
swtpmNix package
Libtpms-based TPM emulator
swwwNix package
Efficient animated wallpaper daemon for wayland, controlled at runtime