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Showing entries 1-100 out of 105.
ocaml5.2.1-tatlNix package
Implementation of a tableau-based decision procedure for the full Alternating-time Temporal Logic …
ta-libNix package
TA-Lib is a library that provides common functions for the technical analysis of financial market …
tabNix package
Programming language/shell calculator
tabbyNix package
Self-hosted AI coding assistant
tabby-agentNix package
Language server used to communicate with Tabby server
tabiewNix package
Lightweight, terminal-based application to view and query delimiter separated value formatted docu…
tableplusNix package
Database management made easy
tabula-javaNix package
Library for extracting tables from PDF files
tacacsplusNix package
Protocol for authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) services for routers and network d…
tacentNix package
C++ library providing linear algebra and various utility functions
tacentviewNix package
Image and texture viewer
taco-unstablepython312Packages.tacoNix package
Computes sparse tensor expressions on CPUs and GPUs
taco-unstablepython313Packages.tacoNix package
Computes sparse tensor expressions on CPUs and GPUs
taco-unstabletacoNix package
Computes sparse tensor expressions on CPUs and GPUs
taggerNix package
Easy-to-use music tag (metadata) editor
Library for reading and editing audio file metadata
taglib-extrasNix package
Additional taglib plugins
taglib-sharpNix package
Library for reading and writing metadata in media files
tagparserNix package
C++ library for reading and writing MP4/M4A/AAC (iTunes), ID3, Vorbis, Opus, FLAC and Matroska tag…
tagrefNix package
Manage cross-references in your code
tagtimeNix package
Stochastic Time Tracking for Space Cadets
tagutilNix package
Scriptable music files tags tool and editor
Tahoe-LAFS, a decentralized, fault-tolerant, distributed storage system
Unicode-compliant Tai Ahom font
tailerNix package
CLI tool to insert lines when command output stops
tailor_guiNix package
Rust GUI for interacting with hardware from TUXEDO Computers
tailscaleNix package
Node agent for Tailscale, a mesh VPN built on WireGuard
Allows users to use a GitOps flow for managing Tailscale ACLs
Tool that allows users to use Tailscale Whois authentication with NGINX as a reverse proxy
Tailscale systray
tailscalesdNix package
Prometheus Service Discovery for Tailscale
tailspinNix package
Log file highlighter
Tailwind CSS Language Server
taiseiNix package
Free and open-source Touhou Project clone and fangame
taizen-unstableNix package
Curses based mediawiki browser
takaoNix package
Japanese TrueType Gothic, P Gothic, Mincho, P Mincho fonts
taktukNix package
Efficient, large scale, parallel remote execution of commands
talecastNix package
Simple CLI podcatcher
talentedhackNix package
LV2 port of Autotalent pitch correction plugin
taler-challengerchallengerNix package
OAuth 2.0-based authentication service that validates user can receive messages at a certain addre…
taler-challengertaler-challengerNix package
OAuth 2.0-based authentication service that validates user can receive messages at a certain addre…
Wire gateway for Bitcoin/Ethereum
taler-exchangeNix package
Exchange component for the GNU Taler electronic payment system
taler-merchantNix package
Merchant component for the GNU Taler electronic payment system
taler-syncsyncNix package
Backup and synchronization service
taler-synctaler-syncNix package
Backup and synchronization service
CLI wallet for GNU Taler written in TypeScript and Anastasis Web UI
taliNix package
Sort of poker with dice and less money
talkfiltersNix package
Converts English text into text that mimics a stereotyped or humorous dialect
tallocNix package
Hierarchical pool based memory allocator with destructors
talosctlNix package
CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos
tamatoolNix package
Cross-platform Tamagotchi P1 explorer
TamburaNix package
FAUST patch inspired by the Indian Tambura/Tanpura - a four string drone instrument, known for its…
tamsyn-fontNix package
Monospace bitmap font aimed at programmers
tamzen-fontNix package
Bitmapped programming font based on Tamsyn
tanaNix package
Tana is an intelligent all-in-one workspace
TandemAlignerNix package
Parameter-free algorithm for sequence alignment
tangara-cliNix package
Command-line tool for managing the Cool Tech Zone Tangara
Companion app for Cool Tech Zone Tangara
System for creating 3D models procedurally from a set of Signed Distance Function (SDF) primitive …
tangoNix package
Local command-line Japanese dictionary tool using yomichan's dictionary files
tangramNix package
Run web apps on your desktop
tanidvrNix package
CLI tool for managing and capturing video from DVRs which use the DVR-IP protocol
tankaNix package
Flexible, reusable and concise configuration for Kubernetes
taoupNix package
Tao of Unix Programming (Ruby-powered ANSI colored fortunes)
Tom's Audio Processing plugins
taplotaploNix package
TOML toolkit written in Rust
taplotaplo-cliNix package
TOML toolkit written in Rust
taplotaplo-lspNix package
TOML toolkit written in Rust
taproot-assetstaproot-assetsNix package
Daemon for the Taro protocol specification
taproot-assetstaroNix package
Daemon for the Taro protocol specification
tapviewNix package
Minimalist pure consumer for TAP (Test Anything Protocol)
tar2ext4Nix package
Convert a tar archive to an ext4 image
tarantoolNix package
In-memory computing platform consisting of a database and an application server
target-isnsNix package
ISNS client for the Linux LIO iSCSI target
targetcliNix package
Command shell for managing the Linux LIO kernel target
tarlzNix package
Massively parallel combined implementation of the tar archiver and the lzip compressor
tarsnapNix package
Online backups for the truly paranoid
tarsnapperNix package
Wrapper which expires backups using a gfs-scheme
tarsshNix package
Simple SSH tarpit inspired by endlessh
tartNix package
MacOS VMs on Apple Silicon to use in CI and other automations
tartanNix package
Tools and Clang plugins for developing code with GLib
tartufoNix package
Tool to search through git repositories for high entropy strings and secrets
taschenrechnerNix package
Cli-calculator written in Rust
task-keeperNix package
CLI to manage tasks from different task runners or package managers
Sync server for Taskwarrior 3
taskflowNix package
General-purpose Parallel and Heterogeneous Task Programming System
taskjugglerNix package
Modern and powerful project management tool
taskncNix package
Ncurses wrapper around taskwarrior
taskopenNix package
Script for taking notes and open urls with taskwarrior
taskscosmic-tasksNix package
Simple task management application for the COSMIC desktop
taskstasksNix package
Simple task management application for the COSMIC desktop
taskserverNix package
Server for synchronising Taskwarrior clients
taskshNix package
REPL for taskwarrior
taskspoolerNix package
Simple single node task scheduler
tasktimerNix package
Task Timer (tt) is a dead simple TUI task timer
taskwarriortaskwarriorNix package
Highly flexible command-line tool to manage TODO lists
taskwarriortaskwarrior2Nix package
Highly flexible command-line tool to manage TODO lists
taskwarriortaskwarrior3Nix package
Highly flexible command-line tool to manage TODO lists
taskwarrior-tuiNix package
Terminal user interface for taskwarrior