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Showing entries 1-48 out of 48.
thanosNix package
Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities
thc-hydraNix package
Very fast network logon cracker which support many different services
thc-ipv6Nix package
IPv6 attack toolkit
THC's Secure Delete tools
thcrap-protonNix package
Wrapper script for launching the official Touhou games on Steam with patches through Proton on GNU…
the-foundationNix package
Opinionated C11 library for low-level functionality
2D platform game with a persistent world
the-neue-blackNix package
Tré Seals’ first open-source font, a typeface based on the Chicago Freedom Movement
the-powder-toyNix package
Free 2D physics sandbox game
the-unarchiverNix package
Unpacks archive files
the-wayNix package
Terminal code snippets manager
theanoNix package
Old-style font designed from historic samples
theattyrNix package
Terminal theater for playing VT100 art and animations
thedeskNix package
Mastodon/Misskey Client for PC
theforceengineNix package
Modern "Jedi Engine" replacement supporting Dark Forces, mods, and in the future, Outlaws
theftNix package
C library for property-based testing
thefuckNix package
Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command
theharvesterNix package
Gather E-mails, subdomains and names from different public sources
theloungenodePackages.theloungeNix package
Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client
theloungenodePackages_latest.theloungeNix package
Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client
theloungetheloungeNix package
Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client
theme-jade1Nix package
Based on Linux Mint theme with dark menus and more intensive green
theme-obsidian2Nix package
Gnome theme based upon Adwaita-Maia dark skin
theme-shNix package
Script which lets you set your $terminal theme
theme-vertexNix package
Theme for GTK 3, GTK 2, Gnome-Shell, and Cinnamon
themechangerNix package
Theme changing utility for Linux
themix-guiNix package
Graphical application for designing themes and exporting them using plugins
thepegNix package
Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation
therionNix package
Therion – cave surveying software
thermaldNix package
Thermal Daemon
thicketNix package
Better one-line git log
Suite of tools for manipulating the metadata of the dm-thin device-mapper target
thinkfanNix package
Simple, lightweight fan control program
Task management system
thokrNix package
Typing tui with visualized results and historical logging
thonnyNix package
Python IDE for beginners
threatestNix package
Framework for end-to-end testing threat detection rules
threema-desktopNix package
Desktop client for Threema, a privacy-focused end-to-end encrypted mobile messenger
thriftNix package
Library for scalable cross-language services
thrift-lsNix package
Thrift Language Server
throttledNix package
Fix for Intel CPU throttling issues
thttpdNix package
Tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
thudgo-thumbnailerNix package
Generate directory thumbnails for GTK-based file browsers from images inside them
thudthudNix package
Generate directory thumbnails for GTK-based file browsers from images inside them
thumbdrivesNix package
USB mass storage emulator for Linux handhelds
thumbsNix package
Lightning fast version of tmux-fingers written in Rust, copy/pasting tmux like vimium/vimperator
thunderboltNix package
Thunderbolt(TM) user-space components
Lightning fast version of tmux-fingers written in Rust, copy/pasting tmux like vimium/vimperator