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Showing entries 1-85 out of 85.
8086tinyNix package
Open-source small 8086 emulator
tibetan-machineNix package
Tibetan Machine - an OpenType Tibetan, Dzongkha and Ladakhi font
ticNix package
A free and open source fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games
tickerNix package
Terminal stock ticker with live updates and position tracking
tickrsNix package
Realtime ticker data in your terminal
ticktickNix package
Powerful to-do & task management app with seamless cloud synchronization across all your devic…
ticpp-unstableNix package
Interface to TinyXML
tidal-hifiNix package
Web version of Tidal running in electron with hifi support thanks to widevine
tidbNix package
Open-source, cloud-native, distributed, MySQL-Compatible database for elastic scale and real-time …
tidditNix package
Identify chromosomal rearrangements using Mate Pair or Paired End sequencing data
tideways-cliNix package
Tideways Profiler CLI
tideways-daemonNix package
Tideways Daemon
tidgiNix package
Customizable personal knowledge-base and blogging platform with git as backup manager
tidy-viewerNix package
Cross-platform CLI csv pretty printer that uses column styling to maximize viewer enjoyment
tidypNix package
Program that can validate your HTML, as well as modify it to be more clean and standard
tieNix package
Allow multiple web change files
tigNix package
Text-mode interface for git
tigerbeetleNix package
Financial accounting database designed to be distributed and fast
tigerjythonNix package
Simple development environment for programming in Python
tigervncNix package
Fork of tightVNC, made in cooperation with VirtualGL
tikaNix package
A toolkit for extracting metadata and text from over a thousand different file types
tildaNix package
Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix
tile38Nix package
Real-time Geospatial and Geofencing
tiledbNix package
TileDB allows you to manage the massive dense and sparse multi-dimensional array data
tilemNix package
Emulator and debugger for Texas Instruments Z80-based graphing calculators
tilemakerNix package
Make OpenStreetMap vector tiles without the stack
tilixNix package
Tiling terminal emulator following the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines
tiltNix package
Local development tool to manage your developer instance when your team deploys to Kubernetes in p…
timeNix package
Tool that runs programs and summarizes the system resources they use
time-decodeNix package
Timestamp and date decoder
time-ghc-modulesNix package
Analyze GHC .dump-timings files
Simple script to deflicker images taken for timelapses
timelimitNix package
Execute a command and terminates the spawned process after a given time with a given signal
timelineNix package
Display and navigate information on a timeline
timemachineNix package
JACK audio recorder
timerNix package
Sleep with progress
Font that looks just like Times New Roman, except each character is 5-10% wider
Bulk, parallel insert of CSV records into PostgreSQL
timescaledb-tuneNix package
Tool for tuning your TimescaleDB for better performance
timetagger_cliNix package
Track your time from the command-line
timeularNix package
Timetracking by flipping 8-sided dice
Client component of timewarrior synchronization application
Server component of timewarrior synchronization application
timewallNix package
Apple dynamic HEIF wallpapers on GNU/Linux
timewarriorNix package
Command-line time tracker
timezonemapNix package
GTK+3 Timezone Map Widget
timgNix package
Terminal image and video viewer
tiniNix package
Tiny but valid init for containers
tint2Nix package
Simple panel/taskbar unintrusive and light (memory, cpu, aestetic)
tintinNix package
Free MUD client for macOS, Linux and Windows
tintyNix package
Base16 and base24 color scheme manager
tiny-cuda-nnpython312Packages.tiny-cuda-nnNix package
Lightning fast C++/CUDA neural network framework
tiny-cuda-nnpython313Packages.tiny-cuda-nnNix package
Lightning fast C++/CUDA neural network framework
tiny-cuda-nntiny-cuda-nnNix package
Lightning fast C++/CUDA neural network framework
tiny-dfrNix package
Most basic dynamic function row daemon possible
Tiny library to interface with ALSA in the Linux kernel
tinycborNix package
Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Library
tinycdbNix package
Utility to manipulate constant databases (cdb)
tinycompressNix package
Userspace library for anyone who wants to use the ALSA compressed APIs
tinyemuNix package
System emulator for the RISC-V and x86 architectures
tinyfecvpnNix package
VPN Designed for Lossy Links, with Build-in Forward Error Correction(FEC)
tinyfetchNix package
Simple fetch in C which is tiny and fast
tinyfugueNix package
Terminal UI, screen-oriented MUD client
tinymembenchNix package
Simple benchmark for memory throughput and latency
tinymistNix package
Tinymist is an integrated language service for Typst
tinyobjloaderNix package
Tiny but powerful single file wavefront obj loader
tinyprogNix package
Programmer for FPGA boards using the TinyFPGA USB Bootloader
tinyproxyNix package
Light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon for POSIX operating systems
tinyschemeNix package
Lightweight Scheme implementation
tinysparqltinysparqlNix package
Desktop-neutral user information store, search tool and indexer
tinysparqltrackerNix package
Desktop-neutral user information store, search tool and indexer
tinysshNix package
Minimalistic SSH server
Static HTML status page generator written in pure shell
tinywmNix package
Tiny window manager for X11
tinyxml2Nix package
Simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser
tinyxxdNix package
Drop-in replacement and standalone version of the hex dump utility that comes with ViM
tioNix package
Serial console TTY
tipaNix package
Phonetic font for TeX
tippecanoeNix package
Build vector tilesets from large collections of GeoJSON features
tiptopNix package
Performance monitoring tool for Linux
tiramisuNix package
Desktop notifications, the UNIX way
tiscameraNix package
Linux sources and UVC firmwares for The Imaging Source cameras
titanionNix package
Strike down super high-velocity swooping insects
tivNix package
Small C++ program to display images in a (modern) terminal using RGB ANSI codes and unicode block …
tivodecodeNix package
Converts a .TiVo file (produced by TiVoToGo) to a normal MPEG file