Showing entries 1-19 out of 19.
Auto toggle keyboard back-lighting on Thinkpads (and maybe other laptops) for Linux
Tool to set battery charging thresholds on Lenovo Thinkpad
CLI tool for summarizing go test output
Text-based user interface (TUI) frontend for parted
CLI tool to control your Turing Pi 2 board
Terminal Media Player
WebAuthn/U2F token protected by a TPM
LUKS key storage in TPM NVRAM
Collection of programs that provide support for TPM based attestation using the TPM quote mechanis…
Management tools for TPM hardware
TPM2 resource manager, accessible via D-Bus
OpenSSL Provider for TPM2 integration
PKCS#11 interface for TPM2 hardware
Command line tools that provide access to a TPM 2.0 compatible device
Attest the trustworthiness of a device against a human using time-based one-time passwords
Markup enhanced granular note-taking
CLI tool to proxy and analyze TCP connections
Self contained toolkit for creating, editing, and previewing TPSE files
Thousands of problems for theorem provers and tools