Showing entries 1-30 out of 30.
Deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production
Typing test in the terminal written in Go
Plugin for TT-RSS to authenticate users via ldap
Evolution of ttrss_plugin-af_feedmod
Plugin for Tiny Tiny RSS that allows to fetch posts from Instagram user sites
Feedly theme for Tiny Tiny RSS
Advanced, open source, hyperrealistic, multilingual typewriter font for a new decade
Lossless compressor for multichannel 8, 16 and 24 bits audio data, with the ability of password da…
Generate tags using tree-sitter
Connect to a Twitch channel's chat from your terminal
CLI tool to manage todo lists in todo.txt format
Free scalable coding font by DamienG
Indic Opentype Fonts collection
Create fonts.dir for TTF font directory
Set of KAI and SONG fonts from the Ministry of Education of Taiwan
True Type to Postscript Type 3 converter, fpdf
CLI-Tool to measure the TTFB (time to first byte) of HTTP(S) requests
Md5sum-alike program that works with Tiger/THEX hashes
Top-like system monitoring tool
Linux TomTom GPS Watch Utilities
Digital clock in ncurses
Share terminal via browser for remote work or shared sessions
Klondike Solitaire in your ncurses terminal
Share your terminal over the web
Convert terminal recordings to animated gifs
Simple serial port logger
Terminal-based typing test
Simple general purpose plotting utility for tty with data input from stdin
Screen saver for your terminal