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Showing entries 1-41 out of 41.
perl5.40.0-vepNix package
Annotate genetics variants based on genes, transcripts, and protein sequence, as well as regulator…
pkgnodePackages.pkgNix package
Package your Node.js project into an executable
pkgnodePackages_latest.pkgNix package
Package your Node.js project into an executable
pkgvercel-pkgNix package
Package your Node.js project into an executable
vectorNix package
High-performance observability data pipeline
vectoroidsNix package
Clone of the classic arcade game Asteroids by Atari
vectorscanNix package
Portable fork of the high-performance regular expression matching library
vegetaNix package
Versatile HTTP load testing tool
vegurNix package
Humanist sans serif font
veleroNix package
A utility for managing disaster recovery, specifically for your Kubernetes cluster resources and p…
velocityNix package
Modern, next-generation Minecraft server proxy
velorenNix package
An open world, open source voxel RPG
vencordvencordNix package
Vencord web extension
vencordvencord-web-extensionNix package
Vencord web extension
vendirNix package
CLI tool to vendor portions of git repos, github releases, helm charts, docker image contents, etc…
veneraNix package
Comic reader that support reading local and network comics
ventaNix package
Gtk theme based on windows 10 style
ventoyventoyNix package
New Bootable USB Solution
ventoyventoy-binNix package
New Bootable USB Solution
ventoyventoy-bin-fullNix package
New Bootable USB Solution
ventoyventoy-fullNix package
New Bootable USB Solution
ventoy-gtk3Nix package
New Bootable USB Solution with GUI support
ventoy-qt5Nix package
New Bootable USB Solution with GUI support
veracryptNix package
Free Open-Source filesystem on-the-fly encryption
verapdfNix package
Command line and GUI industry supported PDF/A and PDF/UA Validation
verbisteNix package
French and Italian verb conjugator
vercoNix package
Simple Git/Mercurial/PlasticSCM tui client based on keyboard shortcuts
verdictNix package
Compute functions of 2- and 3-dimensional regions
veribleNix package
Suite of SystemVerilog developer tools
verifastNix package
Verification for C and Java programs via separation logic
verifpalNix package
Cryptographic protocol analysis for students and engineers
verilatorNix package
Fast and robust (System)Verilog simulator/compiler and linter
verminNix package
Concurrently detect the minimum Python versions needed to run code
versatilesNix package
Toolbox for converting, checking and serving map tiles in various formats
Lookup for $version in the output of --help and --version
versitygwNix package
Versity S3 gateway, a high-performance S3 translation service
versusNix package
Benchmark multiple API endpoints against each other
veryfasttreeNix package
Speeding up the estimation of phylogenetic trees for large alignments through parallelization and …
verylNix package
Modern Hardware Description Language
vesktopNix package
Alternate client for Discord with Vencord built-in
vexctlNix package
Tool to attest VEX impact statements