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Showing entries 1-100 out of 106.
Proxy Wayland connections across a VM boundary
Perl script for waking up computers via Wake-On-LAN magic packets
waagentNix package
Microsoft Azure Linux Agent (waagent)
wabtNix package
WebAssembly Binary Toolkit
wadNix package
Tool for detecting technologies used by web applications
wafNix package
Meta build system
waf-setup-hookNix package
Setup hook for using Waf in Nixpkgs
waf-testerNix package
Tool to test Web Application Firewalls (WAFs)
waffleNix package
Cross-platform C library that allows one to defer selection of an OpenGL API and window system unt…
wafw00fNix package
Tool to identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewalls (WAF)
wait4xNix package
Wait4X allows you to wait for a port or a service to enter the requested state
waitron-unstableNix package
Tool to manage network booting of machines
wakapiNix package
Minimalist self-hosted WakaTime-compatible backend for coding statistics
wakatime-cliwakatimeNix package
WakaTime command line interface
wakatime-cliwakatime-cliNix package
WakaTime command line interface
wakelanNix package
Send a wake-on-lan packet
wal-gNix package
Archival restoration tool for PostgreSQL
wal-listenerNix package
PostgreSQL WAL listener
walkllamaNix package
Terminal file manager
walkwalkNix package
Terminal file manager
walkerNix package
Wayland-native application runner
wallabagNix package
Wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages
wallustNix package
Better pywal
wallutilsNix package
Utilities for handling monitors, resolutions, and (timed) wallpapers
wally-cliNix package
Tool to flash firmware to mechanical keyboards
wamboNix package
All-in-one tool to convert decimal/bin/oct/hex and interpret bits as integers
wanderNix package
Terminal app/TUI for HashiCorp Nomad
wangleNix package
Open-source C++ networking library
wannier90Nix package
Calculation of maximally localised Wannier functions
waonNix package
Wave-to-Notes transcriber
wapitiNix package
Web application vulnerability scanner
wapm-cliNix package
Package manager for WebAssembly modules
wargusNix package
Importer and scripts for Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, the expansion Beyond the Dark Portal, and…
warmux-unstableNix package
Ballistics turn-based battle game between teams - unofficial copy
warpNix package
Fast and secure file transfer
warp-plusNix package
Warp + Psiphon, an anti censorship utility for Iran
warp-terminalNix package
Rust-based terminal
warpdNix package
Modal keyboard driven interface for mouse manipulation
warpinatorNix package
Share files across the LAN
warzone2100Nix package
Free RTS game, originally developed by Pumpkin Studios
wasabibackendNix package
Backend for the Wasabi Wallet
wasabiwalletNix package
Privacy focused Bitcoin wallet
wash-cliNix package
WasmCloud Shell (wash) CLI tool
wasistloswasistlosNix package
Unofficial WhatsApp desktop application
wasistloswhatsapp-for-linuxNix package
Unofficial WhatsApp desktop application
Language server and other tools for WebAssembly
wasm-packNix package
Utility that builds rust-generated WebAssembly package
wasm-toolsNix package
Low level tooling for WebAssembly in Rust
wasm3Nix package
Fastest WebAssembly interpreter, and the most universal runtime
wasmer-packNix package
Import your WebAssembly code just like any other dependency
wasmiNix package
Efficient WebAssembly interpreter
wasmserveNix package
HTTP server for testing Wasm
wastebinNix package
Wastebin is a pastebin
wasynthNix package
WebAssembly translation tools for various languages
watchdogNix package
Software watchdog for Linux
watchdogdNix package
Advanced system & process supervisor for Linux
watcherNix package
Filesystem watcher
watchlogNix package
Easier monitoring of live logs
watchmanNix package
Watches files and takes action when they change
watchmateNix package
PineTime smart watch companion app for Linux phone and desktop
watchyourlanNix package
Lightweight network IP scanner with web GUI
watershotNix package
Simple wayland native screenshot tool
watsonNix package
Wonderful CLI to track your time!
waveboxNix package
Wavebox Productivity Browser
Generator of bitmaps that are locally similar to the input bitmap
wavegainNix package
ReplayGain for wave files
wavelogNix package
Webbased Amateur Radio Logging Software
wavemonNix package
Ncurses-based monitoring application for wireless network devices
wavetermNix package
Open-source, cross-platform terminal for seamless workflows
wavpackNix package
Hybrid audio compression format
wavrsocvtNix package
Convert .wav files into sound files for Lego NXT brick
way-displaysNix package
Auto Manage Your Wayland Displays
waybackNix package
Archiving tool with an IM-style interface
Python script to submit web pages to the Wayback Machine for archiving
waybarNix package
Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors
waybar-mprisNix package
Waybar component/utility for displaying and controlling MPRIS2 compliant media players individuall…
wayboxNix package
Openbox clone on Wayland
waycheckNix package
Simple GUI that displays the protocols implemented by a Wayland compositor
wayclipNix package
Wayland clipboard utility
waycornerNix package
Hot corners for Wayland
waydroidNix package
Container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system
waydroid-helperNix package
Provides a user-friendly way to configure Waydroid and install extensions
wayfarerNix package
Screen recorder for GNOME / Wayland / pipewire
wayfreezeNix package
Tool to freeze the screen of a Wayland compositor
wayidleNix package
Execute a program when a Wayland compositor reports being N seconds idle
wayland-logoutNix package
A utility designed to kill a single instance of a wayland compositor
Suspends automatic idling of Wayland compositors when media is being played through Pipewire
wayland-utilsNix package
Wayland utilities (wayland-info)
waylevelNix package
Tool to print wayland toplevels and other compositor info
waylockNix package
Small screenlocker for Wayland compositors
Graphical logout/suspend/reboot/shutdown dialog for wayland
waylyricsNix package
Desktop lyrics with QQ and NetEase Music source
waymoreNix package
Find way more from the Wayback Machine
waynekoNix package
Neko on Wayland
waynergyNix package
Synergy client for Wayland compositors
wayoutNix package
Simple output management tool for wlroots based compositors implementing
waypaperNix package
GUI wallpaper setter for Wayland-based window managers
waypipeNix package
Network proxy for Wayland clients (applications)
waypromptNix package
Multi-purpose (password-)prompt tool for Wayland
wayshotNix package
Native, blazing-fast screenshot tool for wlroots based compositors such as sway and river