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Showing entries 1-65 out of 65.
Tools that convert cursors between the Windows (*.cur, *.ani) and Xcursor format
widelandsNix package
RTS with multiple-goods economy
wideriverNix package
Tiling window manager for the river wayland compositor, inspired by dwm and xmonad
widevine-cdmNix package
Widevine CDM
wifi-passwordNix package
Get the password of the wifi you're on
wifi-qrNix package
WiFi password sharing via QR codes
wifishNix package
Simple wifi shell script for linux
wifite2Nix package
Rewrite of the popular wireless network auditor, wifite
wiggleNix package
Tool for applying patches with conflicts
wiiloadNix package
Load homebrew apps over network/usbgecko to your Wii
wiimms-iso-toolsNix package
Set of command line tools to manipulate Wii and GameCube ISO images and WBFS containers
wikeNix package
Wikipedia Reader for the GNOME Desktop
wikimanNix package
Offline search engine for manual pages, Arch Wiki, Gentoo Wiki and other documentation
wikitNix package
Command line program for getting Wikipedia summaries
wildcardNix package
Test your regular expressions
wiliwiliNix package
Third-party Bilibili client with a switch-like UI
wilyNix package
Emulation of ACME
wimbootNix package
Windows Imaging Format bootloader
wimlibNix package
Library and program to extract, create, and modify WIM files
win-disk-writerNix package
Windows Bootable USB creator for macOS
Xen Subproject: Windows PV Drivers
win-spiceNix package
Windows SPICE Drivers
winboxNix package
Graphical configuration utility for RouterOS-based devices
windmillNix package
Open-source developer platform to turn scripts into workflows and UIs
windowchefNix package
Stacking window manager that cooks windows with orders from the Waitron
windowlabNix package
Small and simple stacking window manager
windowmakerNix package
NeXTSTEP-like window manager
windows10-iconsNix package
Windows 10 icon theme
windowtolayerNix package
Display existing Wayland applications as a wallpaper instead
windsend-rsNix package
Quickly and securely sync clipboard, transfer files and directories between devices
windsurfNix package
Agentic IDE powered by AI Flow paradigm
windtermNix package
Professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal
Enable games running under wine to use Discord Rich Presence
wineasioNix package
ASIO to JACK driver for WINE
Ayatana Compatibility Indicator for Wingpanel
Wingpanel Namarupa Indicator (Ayatana support)
wingsNix package
Subdivision modeler inspired by Nendo and Mirai from Izware
winhelpcgiNix package
CGI module for Linux, Solaris, MacOS X and AIX to read Windows Help Files
wioNix package
Wayland compositor similar to Plan 9's rio
wipeNix package
Secure file wiping utility
wipefreespaceNix package
Program which will securely wipe the free space
wipeout-rewriteNix package
Re-implementation of the 1995 PSX game wipEout
wiperNix package
Disk analyser and cleanup tool
wireNix package
Code generation tool that automates connecting components using dependency injection
wire-desktopNix package
Modern, secure messenger for everyone
wiredNix package
Lightweight notification daemon written in Rust
wiredtigerNix package
wireguard-uiNix package
Web user interface to manage your WireGuard setup
WireGuard vanity key generator
wireless-regdbNix package
Wireless regulatory database for CRDA
wireless-toolsNix package
Wireless tools for Linux
wiremockNix package
Flexible tool for building mock APIs
wireproxyNix package
Wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy
wirevizNix package
Easily document cables and wiring harnesses
Fascinating electronics logic puzzles, game where you'll learn how to build clocks, diodes, and lo…
wiringpiNix package
Gordon's Arduino wiring-like WiringPi Library for the Raspberry Pi (Unofficial Mirror for WiringPi…
WiseUnpackerNix package
C# Wise installer unpacker based on HWUN and E_WISE
wishbone-toolNix package
Manipulate a Wishbone device over some sort of bridge
wishlistNix package
Single entrypoint for multiple SSH endpoints
wit-bindgenNix package
Language binding generator for WebAssembly interface types
with-unstableNix package
Command prefixing for continuous workflow using a single tool
witnessNix package
Pluggable framework for software supply chain security
witnessmeNix package
Web Inventory tool
wivrnNix package
An OpenXR streaming application to a standalone headset
wizerNix package
WebAssembly pre-initializer