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Showing entries 101-113 out of 113.
tokyonight-gtk-theme_fulltokyo-night-gtkNix package
tokyonight-gtk-theme_fulltokyonight-gtk-themeNix package
ubuntu-themesNix package
Ubuntu monochrome and Suru icon themes, Ambiance and Radiance themes, and Ubuntu artwork
A Plasma theme with Nordic Colors, transparency, blur and round edges for UI elements
A rounded desktop theme and window borders for Plasma 5 that follows any color scheme
ventaNix package
Gtk theme based on windows 10 style
vimix-gtk-themesNix package
Flat Material Design theme for GTK based desktop environments
The most minimalistic SDDM theme among all themes
MacOS BigSur like Gtk+ theme based on Elegant Design
A MacOS big sur like theme for KDE Plasma desktop
yaruNix package
Ubuntu community theme 'yaru' - default Ubuntu theme since 18.10
yaru-remixNix package
Fork of the Yaru GTK theme
zuki-themesNix package
Themes for GTK, gnome-shell and Xfce