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Showing entries 1-15 out of 15.
apache-jenaNix package
RDF database
SPARQL server
cassandracassandraNix package
Massively scalable open source NoSQL database
cassandracassandra_3_0Nix package
Massively scalable open source NoSQL database
cassandracassandra_3_11Nix package
Massively scalable open source NoSQL database
EventStoreNix package
Event sourcing database with processing logic in JavaScript
influx-cliNix package
CLI for managing resources in InfluxDB v2
influxdbinfluxdbNix package
Open-source distributed time series database
influxdbinfluxdb2-serverNix package
Open-source distributed time series database
Small utility to help provisioning influxdb2
Utility program to manipulate influxdb api tokens for declarative setups
mongodbmongodbNix package
Scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database
mongodbmongodb-6_0Nix package
Scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database
mongodbmongodb-7_0Nix package
Scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database
rethinkdbNix package
Open-source distributed database built with love