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Showing entries 1-16 out of 16.
beetsaudio/beetsNix package categories
beetsbeetsNix package
Music tagger and library organizer
beetsbeets-unstableNix package
Music tagger and library organizer
beetsbeetsPackages.beets-minimalNix package
Music tagger and library organizer
kaldiNix package
Speech Recognition Toolkit
liquidsoapNix package
Swiss-army knife for multimedia streaming
mpd-simaNix package
Autoqueuing mpd client
opl3bankeditorNix package
Small cross-platform editor of the OPL3 FM banks of different formats
opn2bankeditorNix package
Small cross-platform editor of the OPN2 FM banks of different formats
piperlarynxNix package
Fast, local neural text to speech system
piperpiper-ttsNix package
Fast, local neural text to speech system
Fast, local neural text to speech system
tidal-dlNix package
Application that lets you download videos and tracks from Tidal
video2midiNix package
Youtube synthesia video to midi conversion tool
yabridgeNix package
Modern and transparent way to use Windows VST2 and VST3 plugins on Linux
yabridgectlNix package
Small, optional utility to help set up and update yabridge for several directories at once