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Showing entries 1-30 out of 30.
alejandraNix package
The Uncompromising Nix Code Formatter
cached-nix-shellNix package
Instant startup time for nix-shell
dnaddNix package
Adds packages declaratively on the command line
fhNix package
The official FlakeHub CLI
gridlock-unstablegridlockNix package
Nix compatible lockfile manager, without Nix
gridlock-unstablenyarrNix package
Nix compatible lockfile manager, without Nix
nar-serveNix package
Serve NAR file contents via HTTP
nix-infonix-infoNix package
nix-infonix-info-testedNix package
nix-initNix package
Command line tool to generate Nix packages from URLs
nix-meltNix package
A ranger-like flake.lock viewer
Processes output of Nix commands to show helpful and pretty information
GTK viewer for the output of nix store --query
nix-scriptNix package
A shebang for running inside nix-shell
A HTTP nix store that proxies requests to Google Storage
nixciNix package
Define and build CI for Nix projects anywhere
nixdocNix package
Generate documentation for Nix functions
nixelNix package
Lexer, Parser, Abstract Syntax Tree and Concrete Syntax Tree for the Nix Expressions Language
nixos-generatorsNix package
Collection of image builders
The essential commands from the NixOS installer as a package
nixos-optionNix package
Renderer for NixOS manual and option docs
nixpkgs-fmtNix package
Nix code formatter for nixpkgs
A set of nit-picky rules that aim to point out and explain common mistakes in nixpkgs package pull…
nixpkgs-lintNix package
A fast semantic linter for Nix using tree-sitter
npinsNix package
Simple and convenient dependency pinning for Nix
rnix-hashesNix package
Nix Hash Converter
statixNix package
Lints and suggestions for the nix programming language
Lints and suggestions for the nix programming language
zon2nixNix package
Convert the dependencies in build.zig.zon to a Nix expression