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Showing entries 501-600 out of 672.
rustscanNix package
Faster Nmap Scanning with Rust
s5Nix package
Cipher/decipher text within a file
safeNix package
A Vault CLI
saml2awsNix package
CLI tool which enables you to login and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using a SAML IDP
sammlerNix package
Tool to extract useful data from documents
sbctlNix package
Secure Boot key manager
sbomnixNix package
Generate SBOMs for nix targets
sbsigntoolNix package
Tools for maintaining UEFI signature databases
schleuderNix package
Schleuder is an encrypting mailing list manager with remailing-capabilities
scillaNix package
Information gathering tool for DNS, ports and more
scorecardNix package
Security health metrics for Open Source
scryptNix package
Encryption utility
IP lookups for open ports and vulnerabilities from
seccureNix package
Zero-configuration elliptic curve cryptography utility
secp256k1Nix package
Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1
Tool to check packets for secrets
secretscannerNix package
Tool to find secrets and passwords in container images and file systems
sedutilNix package
DTA sedutil Self encrypting drive software
semgrepNix package
Lightweight static analysis for many languages - cli
semgrep-coreNix package
Lightweight static analysis for many languages - core binary
Sequoia's reimplementation of the GnuPG interface
sequoia-sqopNix package
An implementation of the Stateless OpenPGP Command Line Interface using Sequoia
sequoia-sqvNix package
A command-line OpenPGP signature verification tool
Library and command line tool to detect SHA-1 collision
shcNix package
Shell Script Compiler
sheesy-cliNix package
The 'share-secrets-safely' CLI to interact with GPG/pass-like vaults
shellclearNix package
Secure shell history commands by finding sensitive data
A shellcode writing toolkit
shellzNix package
Utility to manage your SSH, telnet, kubernetes, winrm, web or any custom shell
Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
shishoNix package
Lightweight static analyzer for several programming languages
sigma-cliNix package
Sigma command line interface
signifyNix package
OpenBSD signing tool
signing-partyNix package
A collection of several projects relating to OpenPGP
silenthoundNix package
Tool to enumerate an Active Directory Domain
simple-tpm-pk11Nix package
Simple PKCS11 provider for TPM chips
sipviciousNix package
Set of tools to audit SIP based VoIP systems
sirikaliNix package
A Qt/C++ GUI front end to sshfs, ecryptfs-simple, cryfs, gocryptfs, securefs, fscrypt and encfs
slowhttptestNix package
Application Layer DoS attack simulator
slsa-verifierNix package
Verify provenance from SLSA compliant builders
smbmapNix package
SMB enumeration tool
smbscan-unstableNix package
Tool to enumerate file shares
snallygasterNix package
Tool to scan for secret files on HTTP servers
snowNix package
Conceal messages in ASCII text by appending whitespace to the end of lines
snowcatNix package
A tool to audit the istio service mesh
Polyglot payload generator
Open-source penetration testing framework designed for social engineering
softhsmNix package
Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS #11 interface
solo2-cliNix package
A CLI tool for managing SoloKeys' Solo2 USB security keys
SonarQube Scanner used to start code analysis
sopsNix package
Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets
A stateless cryptographic identity algorithm
Spectre & Meltdown vulnerability/mitigation checker for Linux
spirespireNix package
The SPIFFE Runtime Environment
spirespire-agentNix package
The SPIFFE Runtime Environment
spirespire-serverNix package
The SPIFFE Runtime Environment
spyreNix package
YARA-based IOC scanner
srmNix package
Delete files securely
ssdeepNix package
A program for calculating fuzzy hashes
ssh-auditNix package
Tool for ssh server auditing
ssh-mitmNix package
Tool for SSH security audits
ssh-to-ageNix package
Convert ssh private keys in ed25519 format to age keys
ssh-to-pgpNix package
Convert ssh private keys to PGP
sshcheckerNix package
Dedicated SSH brute-forcing tool
sshguardNix package
Protects hosts from brute-force attacks
sshockerNix package
Tool for SSH, reverse sshfs and port forwarder
sshuttleNix package
Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN
sslscanNix package
Tests SSL/TLS services and discover supported cipher suites
sss-cliNix package
Command line program for secret-sharing strings
ssssNix package
Shamir Secret Sharing Scheme
stacsNix package
Static token and credential scanner
stegseekNix package
Tool to crack steganography
step-caNix package
A private certificate authority (X.509 & SSH) & ACME server for secure automated certifica…
step-cliNix package
A zero trust swiss army knife for working with X509, OAuth, JWT, OATH OTP, etc
step-kms-pluginNix package
Step plugin to manage keys and certificates on cloud KMSs and HSMs
stokenNix package
Software Token for Linux/UNIX
stricatNix package
Multi-use cryptographic tool based on the STRIBOB algorithm
su-execNix package
Switch user and group id and exec
subjsNix package
Fetcher for Javascript files
sudoNix package
A command to run commands as root
sudo-rsNix package
A memory safe implementation of sudo and su
swaggerholeNix package
Tool to searching for secret on swaggerhub
swtpmswtpmNix package
Libtpms-based TPM emulator
swtpmswtpm-tpm2Nix package
Libtpms-based TPM emulator
sx-goNix package
Command-line network scanner
tbootNix package
A pre-kernel/VMM module that uses Intel(R) TXT to perform a measured and verified launch of an OS …
tcbNix package
Alternative password shadowing scheme
tcpcryptNix package
Fast TCP encryption
telerNix package
Real-time HTTP Intrusion Detection
Tools to find secrets from various signatures
terrascanNix package
Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure
tessenNix package
An interactive menu to autotype and copy Pass and GoPass data
thc-hydraNix package
A very fast network logon cracker which support many different services
thc-ipv6Nix package
IPv6 attack toolkit
theharvesterNix package
Gather E-mails, subdomains and names from different public sources
threatestNix package
Framework for end-to-end testing threat detection rules
tlsxNix package
TLS grabber focused on TLS based data collection
torNix package
Anonymizing overlay network
torsocksNix package
Wrapper to safely torify applications
LUKS key storage in TPM NVRAM