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Showing entries 1-51 out of 51.
multitranNix package categories
xmlNix package categories
amberNix package
Code search-and-replace tool
autocorrectNix package
Linter and formatter for help you improve copywriting, to correct spaces, punctuations between CJK…
charsNix package
Commandline tool to display information about unicode characters
coloursumNix package
Colourise your checksum output
diffrNix package
Yet another diff highlighting tool
diffutilsNix package
Commands for showing the differences between files (diff, cmp, etc.)
fastmodNix package
Utility that makes sweeping changes to large, shared code bases
gawkNix package
GNU implementation of the Awk programming language
gawk-interactiveNix package
GNU implementation of the Awk programming language
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU AWK
gloggNix package
Fast, smart log explorer
gnugrepNix package
GNU implementation of the Unix grep command
gnusedNix package
GNU sed, a batch stream editor
gpt2tcNix package
Text completion and compression using GPT-2
highlightNix package
Source code highlighting tool
igrepNix package
Interactive Grep
kdiff3Nix package
Compares and merges 2 or 3 files or directories
LanguageTool API in Rust
mdbook-linkcheckNix package
Backend for mdbook which will check your links for you
mdcatNix package
Cat for markdown
mecabNix package
Japanese morphological analysis system
mir.qualiaNix package
Dynamically enable sections of config files
patchNix package
GNU Patch, a program to apply differences to files
patchutilspatchutilsNix package
Tools to manipulate patch files
patchutilspatchutils_0_3_3Nix package
Tools to manipulate patch files
patchutilspatchutils_0_4_2Nix package
Tools to manipulate patch files
pinyin-toolNix package
Simple command line tool for converting Chinese characters to space-separate pinyin words
reckonNix package
Flexibly import bank account CSV files into Ledger for command line accounting
ripgrep-allNix package
Ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, and more
ruby-zoomNix package
Quickly open CLI search results in your favorite editor
ruplacerNix package
Find and replace text in source files
uniscribeNix package
Explains Unicode characters/code points: