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Showing entries 1601-1700 out of 4551.
Align math formulas in different lines
Typeset fregean Begriffsschrift
Typesetting mathematics according to French rules
Access to the 'frimurer' cipher for use with LaTeX
Typeset letters in the French style
Create a frontispiece for Italian theses
Fancy section separators
French translation for the algorithmicx package
Typeset FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) notebooks
Allows \caption at the beginning of a table-environment
Extend the applicability of the \footnote command
Left-blocking for letter class
Minipage spanning a complete page
Adjust margins of text block
Macros for functional analysis and PDE theory
Provide an intuitive functional programming interface for LaTeX2
Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents
Support for Washington University Cyrillic fonts
Extensions and patches for fancyvrb
Get first and last words of a page
Letter document class
A class to typeset La Gaceta de la RSME
Typeset Galois connections
Typeset gamebooks and other interactive novels
Macros for setting numbered entries in shuffled order
Template for the GAMM Archive for Students
The Garamond Libre font face
An OTF math font matching EB Garamond
MetaPost macros for the reproduction of Garrigues' Easter nomogram
TeX support (from CJK) for the garuda font
Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX
Support for writing modular and customisable code
A crossover of align* and enumerate
A package for Gaussian operations
Linguistic tools
BibTeX implementation of China's bibliography style standard GB/T 7714-2015
Arrange text on a sheet to fold into a greeting card
Typeset guitar chords
Citations in a reader-friendly style
Kanbun typesetting for (u)pLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
LaTeX support for the Gelasio family of fonts
Math and small cap additions to Gelasio fonts
Gender neutrality for languages with grammatical gender
Typeset logic formulae, etc
A compilation genealogy font
Genealogical profiles for LaTeX
Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
Generalization of LaTeX's minipages
Generic symbols for both text and math mode
Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files
A Gentle Introduction to TeX
Generate Japanese-style crop marks
Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions
Document class for the Cahiers du GERAD series
Support for German typography
German variants of standard BibTeX styles
Change kerning for German quotation marks
BibLaTeX style for historians
Find the date of last modification of a file
Gathering items from a list-like environment
Download OpenStreetMap maps for use in documents
Define macros with sophisticated options
Clean up title references
Support for using GFDL in LaTeX
Typeset Gottlob Frege's notation in plain TeX
A modern Greek font design
A Greek font, from one such by Baskerville
A Greek and Latin font based on Bodoni
A Greek font with a long history
A Greek font based on Didot's work
The classic version of GFSDidot
A font in the Neo-Hellenic style
A math font in the Neo-Hellenic style
A Greek font, originally from Porson
A Greek-alphabet font
Typeset ghab boxes in LaTeX
Globally harmonised system of chemical (etc) naming
Alternative unslanted italic Computer Modern fonts
Gillius fonts with LaTeX support
Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for \includegraphics)
Formatting indexes
Modification of inputenc for German
Call latexdiff on two Git revisions of a file
Get git metadata for a specific file
Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
Display git project information in your LaTeX projects
Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
Typesetting git changelogs
Include Git information in the document as watermark or via variables
Get the current git hash of a project and typeset it in the document
Declare global variables
Mathematical nomenclature tools based on the glossaries package
Create glossaries using BibTeX
Polyglossia support for Occitan
Create glossaries and lists of acronyms
Danish language module for glossaries package
Dutch language module for glossaries package
English language module for glossaries package
Estonian language module for glossaries package