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Showing entries 1-27 out of 27.
barsNixOS option-set
colorsNixOS option-set
floatingNixOS option-set
focusNixOS option-set
gapsNixOS option-set
startupNixOS option-set
windowNixOS option-set
workspaceOutputAssignNixOS option-set
An attribute set that assigns applications to workspaces based on criteria
I3 bars settings blocks
Color settings
The default workspace to show when i3 is launched
Floating window settings
Focus related settings
Font configuration for window titles, nagbar
Gaps related settings
An attribute set that assigns a key press to an action using a key symbol
An attribute set that assigns keypress to an action using key code
Default launcher to use
An attribute set that defines binding modes and keybindings inside themOnly basic keybinding is su…
Modifier key that is used for all default keybindings
Commands that should be executed at startup
Default terminal to run
Window titlebar and border settings
Assume you are on workspace "1: www" and switch to "2: IM" using mod+2 because somebody sent you a…
The mode in which new containers on workspace level will start
Assign workspaces to outputs