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Showing entries 1-46 out of 46.
rxvt-unicode-pluginsNix package categories
stapplications/terminal-emulators/stNix package categories
alacrittyNix package
A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
blackboxNix package
Beautiful GTK 4 terminal
contourNix package
Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
cool-retro-termNix package
Terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display
darktileNix package
A GPU rendered terminal emulator designed for tiling window managers
dtermNix package
A simple terminal program
footNix package
A fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator
gnome-consolegnome-consoleNix package
Simple user-friendly terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop
gnome-consolekgxNix package
Simple user-friendly terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop
guakeNix package
Drop-down terminal for GNOME
hyperNix package
A terminal built on web technologies
iterm2Nix package
A replacement for Terminal and the successor to iTerm
kittyNix package
A modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator
Themes for the kitty terminal emulator
lxterminalNix package
The standard terminal emulator of LXDE
mcaimi-stNix package
Suckless Terminal fork
microcomNix package
A minimalistic terminal program for communicating with devices over a serial connection
mltermmltermNix package
Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator
mltermmlterm-waylandNix package
Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator
mrxvtNix package
Lightweight multitabbed feature-rich X11 terminal emulator
rioNix package
A hardware-accelerated GPU terminal emulator powered by WebGPU
rxvtNix package
Colour vt102 terminal emulator with less features and lower memory consumption
rxvt-unicoderxvt-unicodeNix package
A clone of the well-known terminal emulator rxvt
rxvt-unicoderxvt-unicode-emojiNix package
A clone of the well-known terminal emulator rxvt
rxvt-unicoderxvt_unicode-with-pluginsNix package
A clone of the well-known terminal emulator rxvt
rxvt-unicode-unwrappedrxvt-unicode-unwrappedNix package
A clone of the well-known terminal emulator rxvt
rxvt-unicode-unwrappedrxvt-unicode-unwrapped-emojiNix package
A clone of the well-known terminal emulator rxvt
rxvt-unicode-unwrappedrxvt_unicodeNix package
A clone of the well-known terminal emulator rxvt
sakuraNix package
A terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE
siduck76-stNix package
A fork of st with many add-ons
ststNix package
Simple Terminal for X from Community
stupidtermNix package
Simple wrapper around the VTE terminal emulator widget for GTK
synctermNix package
BBS terminal emulator
terminatorNix package
Terminal emulator with support for tiling and tabs
termitetermiteNix package
A simple VTE-based terminal
termitetermite-unwrappedNix package
A simple VTE-based terminal
tymNix package
Lua-configurable terminal emulator
wayst-unstableNix package
A simple terminal emulator
weztermNix package
GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented i…
x3270Nix package
IBM 3270 terminal emulator for the X Window System
xstNix package
Simple terminal fork that can load config from Xresources
xtermNix package
xtermcontrolNix package
Enables dynamic control of xterm properties
yaftNix package
Yet another framebuffer terminal